daylapse - long interval timelapse with clock start/end and idle MF restore - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

daylapse - long interval timelapse with clock start/end and idle MF restore

  • 6 Replies
Hi there,
Several days in the making and with feedback from a brave tester, it's time to seek wider audience for a script that aims to provide low power operation for a long period intervalometer.

The above @params set the cam to start at 3:00pm, take three shots at ten second interval, AF normal focus mode with prefocus lock (MF 0, refocus 0), show extra debug info.

Script operates in MF + preset subject distance, or AF normal or macro with prefocus + lock, or refocus each shot.  When cam turns display off in MF mode, script restores MF mode on wakeup.  Start and end times in hh:mm clock time, also stop after x frames shot.  Option for a daily run.  When display is off it can be turned back on with 'half shoot' to view script status.  

Intervalometer is tied to the ticks counter and does not accumulate timing errors.  Debug display shows timing margin, the free time between wakeup and preparation to the actual shoot time.  I've aimed for a minimum 800ms margin but low light focusing (and refocus) may reduce this margin.  

Released under GPL version 2.  Home site is or where you will find more information and details of the @param setup.

Developed on a590, also works on G7 but with an issue regarding focus timeout I'm hoping to get more feedback on -- I don't have a G7.  At the moment the script allows up to 3 secs for AF focus by monitoring the cam ready status, then reports a timeout.  The G7 tester reported this timeout,  but he is going to try different cam settings.

Script is also DigicII, III/IV aware for reading unnamed property values.

Grab it here:

This url is symlinked to the latest stable version, currently daylapse-2009-06-19c.  Feedback welcome.
« Last Edit: 20 / June / 2009, 06:12:43 by scattered »

I'm really interested in trying this although the link "404 Not Found seems to be broken.

I have played around with the script of the basic "time lapse photo" script found on the wiki.
and have included parameters for min and hr settings which i think would be a usefull addition to ur script;
"@title Time Lapse Photos
 @param a Interval (sec)
 @default a 5
 @param b Interval (min)
 @default b 0
 @param c Interval (hr)
 @default c 0
 i=a*1000 + b*60000 + c*3600*1000
 if i<1000 then let i=1000

very brief testing has been done, but i dont see how it wouldnt work, it is a very minor change.
the minute parameter works, havent tested the hr one.

also, in your paramaters is it possible not to limit the number of photos taken, instead letting the time lapse continue untill the end time?

This script would seem to be exactly what i need, shame the links are not working is it available anywhere else and woudl it work on a S2IS?



Offline an0n

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Hi meadowmaker,

Attached are two of Grant Coady's Daylapse scripts unaltered. He may be still available at :
although he appears to have gone quiet with CHDK stuff.



Offline an0n

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And a small info file for the Daylapse.bas is attached to this post.

Re: daylapse - long interval timelapse with clock start/end and idle MF restore
« Reply #6 on: 17 / September / 2012, 14:00:42 »
I can't find this script anywhere.
where is the attachment you mentioned?

I would really like to try it.

Thank you


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