A430 porting started - histogram working - page 5 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

A430 porting started - histogram working

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Offline zfeet

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Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #40 on: 07 / July / 2009, 17:35:35 »
I think I found the major problem with the port: PARAM_FILE_COUNTER is incorrect. I've tried 2E, 2F, 34 and 37 so far.

Trying to browse the property cases always crashes at page 10.
« Last Edit: 07 / July / 2009, 17:37:55 by zfeet »


Offline zfeet

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Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #41 on: 14 / July / 2009, 17:56:58 »
Property cases work now but I still haven't figured out how to check the different parameters. When I select "Debug data display : Params" I cannot see anything different on the screen, only the misc values if I have the checkbox selected.

Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #42 on: 15 / July / 2009, 03:17:21 »
I just tried out the build from post #36, and I haven't encountered any issues yet.  Many thanks to zfeet and co. for getting back to work on this - I've been waiting since last summer, and didn't have high hopes, until I checked the forums yesterday.  I would have taken a crack at it myself, but I'm not up on ARM ASM; I don't have any ARM hardware to play around with on my own time, and my university teaches HC12 in the lower-level courses instead of something useful :/  Anyhow, I'll let you know if I encounter any bugs.  Keep up the good work!


Offline zfeet

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Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #43 on: 15 / July / 2009, 05:25:49 »
Here's the latest source with some corrected values in stubs_min.S


Here's the latest diskboot.bin:



Offline mx3

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Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #44 on: 15 / July / 2009, 09:04:44 »
I would have taken a crack at it myself, but I'm not up on ARM ASM; I don't have any ARM hardware to play around with on my own time, and my university teaches HC12 in the lower-level courses instead of something useful :/
actually you have hardware and safe way to play with it because CHDK do not change original firmware and start itself from SD card.
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Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #45 on: 21 / July / 2009, 13:15:51 »
Thanks to shenty (and zfeet for initiating things). I have been looking in on CHDK for a while waiting for the A430!
Consider me available for testing.

1st thing I note is that the USB cable shutter release did not work for me. Is this known? Should it?

2nd thing is what button (combination) should toggle RAW? Supposed to be the "Exposure/Erase(+/-)" button according to the documentation that I found, but no such button on this camera...

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #46 on: 21 / July / 2009, 14:07:20 »
Thanks for the port, seems to work well so far. I've tested the MD script and a timelapse script from my A710is. Both functioned OK. I did notice a menu that was off screen at the bottom and the F-Stop display is just a F?

Try RAW, but haven't converted it yet to DNG as noted earlier in this thread. Edge overlay worked as well after I accidentally turned it on.  :)

Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #47 on: 21 / July / 2009, 14:15:08 »

2nd thing is what button (combination) should toggle RAW? Supposed to be the "Exposure/Erase(+/-)" button according to the documentation that I found, but no such button on this camera...

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

There is no key/button.
The raw is done via the CHDK menu, press the ALT key, it's the printer button, then press menu. It down about 3 - RAW Parameters. It's enabled on the next OSD menu. It will stay enabled until turned off.

The DNG mode on that menu requires a script that is not with, at least with my download, the BETA A430 port. It can be copied from another CHDK release. I used my A710is version. Mind you I still have not tested it completely to see if it works.

Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #48 on: 23 / July / 2009, 12:07:22 »
But what about the USB shutter release? Should it work?

Re: A430 porting started - histogram working
« Reply #49 on: 23 / September / 2009, 13:42:54 »
any new developments since july? the latest build i could fins on here was from july 15th. anything newer available?


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