This topic has been locked. Please see the thread titled "Whoa! ****MAJOR**** High-Speed Shutter-Speed Discovery!" in the "General Discusssion & Development" board for further discussion and input.This one went from discovery to request to implementation to development so fast I wasn't sure where to put the related threads on it.
I was going to move the thread about this discovery from the general discussion forum, but it appears to be missing from my view at the moment. (To more clearly show how it happens and how I verified it.)
Anyway, I found out that when using High-Speed Tv Bracketing that the shutter speed goes up to 1/6,400, 1/12,500, and maybe even 1/50,000 of a second at the other end of its extremes.
(hah, I just realized in all my other posts I was adding in an extra zero. My "excitement override" mode. LOL)
Could we have that shutter speed override too?
Since my photography covers many extremes, from astrophotography for night-sky shots (those new 65" shutter speeds are fantastic!) to trying to stop the motion blur of hummingbird's wings and insect's wing, I would LOVE having those high shutter-speeds at my disposal. Plus, I found out when they are overridden by CHDK then you aren't crippled to using only small f/stops too! Using f/2.7 at 1/12,500 is possible!
One important note, this high-speed override would have to start from 1/1600 on up, since the aperture limitation starts to kick in at any shutter speeds higher than 1/1600. If I set my camera on 1/1600 then I can use f/2.7, I can't use 1/2000 until I set the aperture to f/4.0. This way I could use my widest apertures using the camera's own shutter speeds. Unless there's a possiblity to also include an Aperture Override, then it might be more compatible with all the camera's auto modes?
One other request. Since the slow-shutter override is on a sub-menu selection of CHDK, it's difficult to find it when you need it, and it's easy to forget that you left it on, so when you start up your camera again it might still be in that mode. So.
1) could these overrides be made a top-level menu option? Easy to get to and see what they are set at for quick changing.
1b) could there be an option to have a small OSD icon showing to know you have shutter-override engaged?
2) could their status not be saved in CHDK.CFG when you power down? Or have the option to have that or not? (I just now realized that using a camera by remote it might be nice to have the camera power-up in those special shutter speeds.) (option 1b may be enough so this wouldn't be needed)
3) (please put the "reset to defaults" option on the debug menu so it's not so easy to accidentally reset all your CHDK options)
Thanks if you can do these things!
(EWAVR, (the CHDK genius), I hope you or someone can add this feature to your already remarkable slow shutter speeds.)
I just realized of another great use for this. My other digital cameras allow for a flash sync as high as 1/2400 shutter speed. We might be able to still use the flash at higher shutter speeds with this. Much will depend on how closely Canon sync'ed it to their own shutter-routine. My other camera has the flash-duration dead centered on the shutter speed. This could be a new level of high-speed flash-sync for Canon cameras.
I foresee a menu option like this, at the top of the main menu:
65", 50", 40", 30", 25", 20",
640, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3200, 4000, 5000, 6400, 8000, 10000, 12500, 16000, 20000 ....?
Slow SpeedHigher-Speeds Flash Sync & F/Stop Limit OverridesUltra Speeds