Yep i'm new to CHDK and have no idea how to place a sccrpit into a lua file - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

Yep i'm new to CHDK and have no idea how to place a sccrpit into a lua file

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Yep i'm new to CHDK and have no idea how to place a script into a lua file in my script folder.
Ok I discovered CHDK 3 days ago an am still in shock at what it can do. I sucessfully loaded into my S2IS and now I'm getting game and would love to try the lightning script, but i don't know how to insert it into a LUA file  :-[
This has prolly been answered 100 times somewhere else so I hope i'm not wasting anyones times by posting this.
lol took me ages to find a coverter for my raw files...
Treading gently here as i'm way out of my leaugue when it comes to this sort of thing, but i can't help customising things, some to great disaster.



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