I'm not a coder, but after reading this I can understand why people would get upset when Microfunguy steals all their hard work, takes credit for it, and then never gives anything back. That's about as damaging to a group effort as I've ever seen. I wonder if this is why so many of the original programmers aren't around today. They probably just walked away because Microfunguy was stealing it all and never giving back in return.
I'll try it one more time and than I'll stop since some people will probably never get it.
David is not stealing anything. You guys keep mentioning the GPL so here are a few quotes directly from the GPL site:
That you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
If you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code.
You guys seem to think that any project derived from CHDK should be a 'fork' of CHDK but There is NO REQUIREMENT to be part of any group or to create a 'fork' from the original code.
And about giving back....
I think that giving back SDM, which serves an whole other public than CHDK, although it might very well be useful for CHDK users as well, is very much "giving back".
But then I guess people like Microfunguy never will figure out that he's making the very same people go away that all his work is dependent on. Shooting himself in his own foot.
Let me see if I get this right?
You guys don't like SDM and you don't use it. It does not interfere with CHDK and CHDK is not depending on SDM yet, the fact that David does not use comments or SVN, would be a reason for CHDK coders to go away and abandon CHDK? If so, than I guess that your remark....
Some people aren't too bright, even if they are coders.
is true.
A few thoughts.....
If you don't like SDM or David, too bad but that is your problem.
If you think that calling him names or flaming him will make him go away..... not likely to happen.
If you think that all of this is making it more likely that he will cooperate with you...... think again.
If there is something in SDM that you would like to use in CHDK, just ask him and I am sure that he will tell you how it's done (at least to the people who treat him normally).
And finally, some interesting reading about the history of CHDK, including the discussions on 'DP Review' dating back to 2006 before this forum and the WIKI were even started.