After playing a while with the new beta, I figured how to add my camera. This were my results
White area: 11
Zone 1: 8.0%
Zone 2: 8.8%
Zone 3: 3.1%
Zone 4: 8.6%
Zone 5: 5.7%
Zone 6: 2.2%
Zone 7: 9.4%
Zone 8: 6.1%
Zone 9: 4.9%
Zone 10: 9.7%
Zone 11: 3.0%
Zone 12: 9.2%
Zone 13: 2.8%
Zone 14: 7.6%
Zone 15: 8.1%
Zone 16: 9.8%
Zone 17: 5.4%
Zone 18: 8.8%
Zone 19: 8.7%
Zone 20: 9.9%
Zone 21: 9.5%
Zone 22: 9.4%
Camera -> XYZ matrix:
1.385357 0.430941 0.797555
0.437873 1.671073 0.007964
-0.051003 -0.479127 4.310050
XYZ -> Camera matrix:
0.794479 -0.246904 -0.146559
-0.208113 0.662777 0.037286
-0.013733 0.070756 0.234426
I don't know if this is a good result or a bad one, but if it is a bad one I would like to know what I can do to make it better.
BTW My monitor is calibrated using a Syper 2 Pro to a 6500k 2.2 Gamma setting, and I have both a Colorimeter (a spyder2 pro)and a Spectocolorimeter (a printfix pro) To do all sorts of calibrating tests. I know that the sypder has the capacity to read colors off the screen.