Just inform me, is color profole for IXUS 960IS / SD 950IS bad or good
I don't think that I understand your question, so please bear with me.
The color of the jpg's straight from the camera looks right.
When using DNG4PS-2 0.2.2 the program does not recognise the camera mocel. Instead it perceives the files as from Canon A650IS. The colors of these files look wrong in e.g. Adobe ACR and Rawtherapy. I can of course adjust the colors in these programs, but it takes too much time for each and every raw file to be useful.
I guess your question concerns calculation of color profiles using DNG4PS-2, but I have not been successful in calculating the color profile in DNG4PS-2 beta version from August since the program crashed (that is why I asked for some kind of user guide in the discussion thread regarding raw files from this camera model).
Do I answer your question?