don't worry, I'll post A650IS color profile for ACR in a few days, just have to verify it on some real life photos.
As in case of A620, it's tuned to give same color rendition as my 400D with which I'm very satisfied. Of course, for now, these color profiles are usable only with ACR 4.5 and above ...
are there any chances of adding customization for tags Baseline Exposure and BaselineNoise in dng4ps2 ?
First one controls zero position of exposure slider. In my opinion, this tag should be zero, so you know exactly which parts of picture are blown and which are not, but for some strange reason, it is 0.5 I think, so exposuire is shifted 0.5 EV to the right. BaselineNoise also should be different from camera to camera, as sensors with higher pixel cont have higher noise etc.
In the meantime, I'm using my program to correct these tags, but it would be fine if I could set it in the dng4ps2