SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility

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Offline vit40

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SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« on: 16 / July / 2009, 06:04:52 »
So, here is my new version of color calibration for SX110. This one is tested on my test image and verifyed of real life photos, so I hope it will be ok. Calibration has "build number" 104

In attached file you will find:

Canon SX110 Camera Standard 104.dcp .. DNG color profile that should match camera color, when picture style is set to standard. According to Adobe documentation, you should set brightnes to 50, contrast to 25 and medium contrast curve in ACR. And of course, WB has to be set to "As shot", and you must have dng with As Shot WB info - wheather DNG from CHDK, or DNG from DNG4PS2 with additionally written WB info using my utility (see below). Profile is based on G9 profile - the same lookup table, but with adjusted color matrices; it has set of 2 color matrices and 2 forward matrices (for two illuminants), like all DNG profiles from Adobe

Canon SX110 Camera Vivid 104.dcp, Canon SX110 Camera Positive Film 104.dcp .. DNG color profiles matching Vivid and Positive Film picture style; They are made of G9 lookup tables and color matrices from Canon SX110 Camera Standard 104.dcp

Canon SX110 DSLR Camera Standard 104.dcp, Canon SX110 DSLR Camera Landscape 104.dcp, Canon SX110 DSLR Camera Portrait 104.dcp .. .. DNG color profiles matching those picture styles in D400; They are made of D400 lookup tables and color matrices from Canon SX110 Camera Standard 104.dcp. You will notice that colors on DSLRs are different than on compact cameras. Also, you need to move exposure slider to about +0.6 EV to get the same brightness, because these profiles take into account highlight headroom in 400D

Canon SX110 Adobe Standard 104.dcp .. DNG color profile with lookup tables from G9 Adobe standard profile and color matrices from Canon SX110 Camera Standard 104.dcp

Besides these color profiles, there is also a simple color matrix, to use with old versions of ACR and other programs that don't support DNG profiles. You can find this matrix in SX110_Matrix_ACR_4.4.104.cmd. Just apply a batch on the dng files, or use in DNG4PS2, or put it in CHDK build. In ACR, this profile is named "Embedded". Color rendition is very similar to Adobe standard DNG profile, with some differences, mostly in red/orange/skin range

Dng4psSetWB.exe .. !!! HOT !!! - my utility to copy As Shot WB info from jpg file to a dng file, that is made with DNG4PS and has no WB info. Just put all DNGs and JPGs in same directory and use this utility from command prompt with Dng4psSetWB.exe *.jpg You need to have exiftool.exe in the path, which is also included. Warning: reading of corresponding maker note is done in quick and dirty way (because I didn't find an option to read maker note tag 13 with exiftool), hence possible buggy. This version supports SX110, A620 and A650. Every camera has WB info at different place in maker note tag 13, and offset of this info is written in Dng4psSetWB.ini. You can add offset for more cameras to ini file, once you find WB info. Ini file must be in the same folder as the program

How to find WB info offset for other cameras? Use exiftool on dng file, produced by CHDK, and read As Shot Neutral values. Calculate 1000/value1, 1000/value2, 1000/value3 and convert to hex. The use utility tifparse on jpg and find maker note section. Inside hex dump of tag 13, find those numbers. There are actually four numbers, 1st and 4th are equal (green mulitiplyer). Determine the offset of 1st number, then write a line in form  Camera Model = offset  into ini file, and write that info in this thread

« Last Edit: 16 / July / 2009, 07:42:43 by vit40 »


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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #1 on: 16 / July / 2009, 09:28:31 »
vit40, in which exif or mnote tags does Dng4psSetWB.exe get WB info? I can include this feature into ndg4ps2 too


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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #2 on: 16 / July / 2009, 09:29:25 »
Opps... tag 13... I will try to implement it


Offline vit40

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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #3 on: 16 / July / 2009, 09:58:16 »
I thought you stopped development of dng4ps2

Of course, it would be nice to have this option in the program  :xmas

As I said, WB info location in Tag 13 of maker note depends on the camera model (and also, size of this tag is different - it's bigger on new models). You can find offsets for A620, A650 and SX110 in ini file of my utility


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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #4 on: 16 / July / 2009, 11:53:52 »
As I said, WB info location in Tag 13 of maker note depends on the camera model (and also, size of this tag is different - it's bigger on new models). You can find offsets for A620, A650 and SX110 in ini file of my utility

How about A710?


Offline vit40

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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #5 on: 28 / July / 2009, 05:41:01 »
After more 10 days of experimenting, I have a new version of SX110 profiles, so you can download them here (althouh it doesn't seem that there was a big demand for them, as there were no responses). This is "build number 105"

In the archive, you can find:

Canon SX110 - Camera Standard 105.dcp
Canon SX110 - Camera Vivid 105.dcp
Canon SX110 - Camera Positive Film 105.dcp

These DNG color profiles should produce similar colors like camera picture styles. In this version, I sligtly corrected position of green primary, because green colors had lower hue than on jpegs from camera. In case of Camera standard, most colors match jpeg quite good. There are some differences in light orange color, which has slightly lower hue, and cyan color is more saturated. Further improvements can be obtained by modifying HSV lookup table with Dng Profile Editor, but I was satisfied with result and leaved it as is. Luckily, Adobe tuned G9 HSV lookup table, which is used here, without desaturation shadows, that's another difference

Canon SX110 - Adobe Standard 105.dcp

This profile has Adobe standard lookup table. I made previous version by combining matrices from Canon SX110 - Camera Standard 104.dcp and HSV lookup table from G9 Adobe profile. Profiles for other cameras, supplied by Adobe, are made this way. But it turned out that some colors were slightly off (sky hue was too low, it looked slightly cyan), obviously because G9 lookup table is slightly different from lookup tables inside SX110, so I had to correct matrices for Adobe standard profile to get correct hues.

Canon SX110 - 400D Standard 105.dcp

This profile should produce similar colors like 400D raw, developed with Digital Photo Pro. It uses the same matrix set as Adobe Standard 105. I also changed tone curve in the profile (used a curve from Camera profile), so that image is aproximately as bright as with other profiles. With previous version, it was darker, because original curve takes into account highlight headroom in 400D.

For usage with old versions of ACR and other programs that don't support DNG profiles, there is also a new version of simple color matrix:

  0.5302 -0.0426 -0.0330  -0.5254  1.0927  0.2237  -0.1037  0.1179  0.4216

In ACR, this profile is named "Embedded". I tuned it to be similar to Adobe standard DNG profile 105, with some differences, mostly in red/orange/skin range. It's not possible to have correct red hue and skin tone hue without using profiles. There is another drawback with using only one color matrix - it is tuned for daylight, so indoor photos taken without flash, with low color temperature, can have slightly shifted colors (red can have magenta tone etc)

There's an interesting reading about color profiles here (check also part 2 and 3)

Author of that blog made a command-line utility dcpTool, which can also be useful
(I used it to replace a tone curve in 400D Standard profile)

I also included a new version of DngSet/GetMatrix. Now, it's only one program, named DngMatrix, which can be used to write, display or copy color matrices, depending on parameters


Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #6 on: 28 / July / 2009, 08:47:35 »


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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #7 on: 28 / July / 2009, 11:44:36 »
Tnx ^^'
ATM I'm very busy but I'm going to test them as soon as it's possible :)

Btw ... :blink:

- what program/version are you using to convert CRW to DNG files to get a better compatibility with your profiles ? o.O'
- is the "as shoot" WB important ? ( should we use Automatic WB, daylight cloudy... when taking a picture or it won't make any difference using your application ? ) o.o'
- better to take .CRW files, convert them to DNG file  then use color profiles or better to take DNG files directly from CHDK camera ? O.o'

Thank you again ;)


After more 10 days of experimenting, I have a new version of SX110 profiles, so you can download them here (althouh it doesn't seem that there was a big demand for them, as there were no responses). This is "build number 105"

... I was checking these pages every day :

- ( sx110 CHDK WIKIA )

- (SX110IS - howto start porting),2838.495.html

- (New project: camera color profile calculation),390.435.html

.. so I realized there was a new topic through a google random search about my sx110 :blink:
so... imho... all sx110 owners would be happy to know there are better color profiles then before but lots of them didn't realize that a new topic was created  :D

Obihoernchen was keeping wikia pages and old topics updated so try to contact him to have a better visibility ;)

« Last Edit: 28 / July / 2009, 11:47:56 by Dragon »
Canon PowerShot SX110 IS+CHDK


Offline vit40

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Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #8 on: 28 / July / 2009, 16:52:07 »

I'm still using the same modification of Dng4ps2, mentioned in earlier posts in "New project: camera color profile calculation" thread. It doesn't matter if dng is produced in camera or by some other program - picture will be the same. If you are using profiles, it also doesn't matter which color matrix is written in the dng - ACR will use matrices from selected profile, instead from a dng (unless you select embedded profile)

Using "as shot WB" isn't very important in my opinion. I usually select all raw-s from one photo session and set 5200K for all of them (and other common parameters), because most of my photos are taken in daylight. After that, I correct a WB for some individual photos if needed. In my camera, WB is allways set to Auto, because I select WB in ACR manually, so WB set in the camera doesn't affect thre results in ACR. If you have a dng with As Shot WB info, you can also set WB to "As Shot" in ACR, and it will use the same white balance as camera did, and you will see which color temperature camera measured for that photo

Anyway, As shot WB was very important for me to tune color matrices in these profiles

I edited my last post in "New project: camera color profile calculation" thread - added a link to this thread, so it will be easyer to find
« Last Edit: 28 / July / 2009, 16:55:31 by vit40 »

Re: SX110 color calibration and Dng4psSetWB utility
« Reply #9 on: 01 / September / 2009, 15:52:31 »
Many thanks vit40 for the colour profiles !!!  These are incredibly helpful.
There was no response, probably because most people (including me) were monitoring other URLS ;-))


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