Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS

  • 3 Replies
Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS
« on: 18 / July / 2009, 11:52:42 »
Just wanted to make use on Fast MD scripts (,471.msg17797.html#msg17797).
I've read some stuff, set the parameters, the shutter is triggered on flashlight movement but it is not on the photo, how then I can expect a lightning to be caugth :)
I noticed that the shutter is rather triggered on light disappearance even though it was no in the initial frame.

Has anyone successfully ran Fast MD on Canon S3 IS? It is DigicII camera contrary to DigicIII in A570IS used for Fast MD testing by Fudgey.

Please help, the storm is coming! :)

el Tomek
« Last Edit: 18 / July / 2009, 12:37:17 by eltomek »


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Re: Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS
« Reply #1 on: 18 / July / 2009, 16:06:27 »

I do not have an S3 but I'm getting very familiar with MD testing. According to the Camera Features Chart, even if those times are from MD_Test and not very precise, it should still be quite capable of catching ~100ms duration lightning strikes.

Looking at the current S3 source, I see that it's got the vid_get_viewport_live_fb() patch, (which increases your chances of faster triggering), so I have three suggestions:

1) Get the most current autobuild version of CHDK <link>
2) Get the most current version of the MDFB script <link>
3) Read the text file in that zip completely.

Good hunting!
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Re: Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS
« Reply #2 on: 26 / July / 2009, 11:58:08 »
A lightning that fills the sky is a rather long, multi-phase phenomenon. CHDK's motion detector can't catch a lightning entirely, but the resulting photos can be amazing even without the start.

A camera flash is a whole lot faster thing (unless there's a preflash with a longish delay before the actual flash to determine exposure or to make people have their eyes open and irises narrow or whatever else a preflash may be useful for), no wonder you aren't getting it properly.


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Re: Fast MD cannot catch flashlight movement on S3 IS
« Reply #3 on: 26 / July / 2009, 13:00:24 »

these were shot with an s3is. two days ago. 2nd shot was shot handheld coz i didnt have time to get tripod. then when i had the tripod, setup the cam, the thunderstorm was over. turbo thunderstorm. managed to squeeze in one shot though.
i used fudgeys super script btw. thanks again!
oh, the options were on default.


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