SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote. - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.

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Offline Joe M

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SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« on: 22 / July / 2009, 20:04:49 »
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum.  I learned what I can do to a S10, wow. I had a stroke and my right side is numb so I had to buy remote, so I bought the CA-1.  I set it up and it does work.  The problem is the half-press shutter, when I press the half-press button for the focus, it is there for a half second and gone.  I loaded the remote script and it is the same problem.  Did I forget something?  Please help.

Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #1 on: 23 / July / 2009, 09:35:33 »
Are you keeping the button half-pressed or just pressing it once ?

Which firmware version do you have ?



Offline Joe M

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Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #2 on: 23 / July / 2009, 09:58:51 »
I pressed the button full and I see the focus box for a half second and then it goes back to the small box and some it makes a shot.  When it makes a shot, some time it is blurry and other times it is sharp.  My version is 1.01a.  I thank you for your help.

Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #3 on: 23 / July / 2009, 11:52:00 »
Temporarily rename your DISKBOOT.BIN and try this version :-



Offline Joe M

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Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #4 on: 23 / July / 2009, 17:09:48 »
David, I followed your advise and downloaded the .bin file.  Nothing changed.  It seems like the camera does not know that the focus opens until the shutter is closed.  I thank you for your help.  Any other ideas.  I am ready to send the remote back to Adorama.  Thank you again.

Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #5 on: 23 / July / 2009, 17:21:02 »
You can test by plugging the camera into the PC.

The screen should blank and the blue LED light.
On removing the plug, or waiting ten seconds, it should take a photo.

If you insert and remove the plug quickly enough, it should go into autofocus mode (and stay in that mode).
If you insert the plug again, the screen should blank, etc.
You have to do that quickly.

An SX10 tester told me that everything worked OK.

There is something else that you can do ...

Enter ALT mode and half-press the Ricoh.

At top left on the screen it should briefly display 'USB'.
You may have to press a number of times, it will not catch the pulse every time.

« Last Edit: 23 / July / 2009, 17:24:09 by Microfunguy »


Offline Joe M

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Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #6 on: 23 / July / 2009, 18:57:35 »
David, now I am worried.  I followed your letter to the T.  Nothing worked. 

You can test by plugging the camera into the PC.    Did it.

The screen should blank and the blue LED light.
On removing the plug, or waiting ten seconds, it should take a photo.  No blue LED light, 10 seconds, no photo

If you insert and remove the plug quickly enough, it should go into autofocus mode (and stay in that mode).
If you insert the plug again, the screen should blank, etc.  Nothing. at all.
You have to do that quickly.

An SX10 tester told me that everything worked OK.

There is something else that you can do ...

Enter ALT mode and half-press the Ricoh.

At top left on the screen it should briefly display 'USB'.
You may have to press a number of times, it will not catch the pulse every time. 
Tried it, did it for 3 minutes, no display on                                                                                                                   on upper left [no right, no lower] .

My usb does do other things, so now I feel that my camera has a problem.  David, What to you think?
I looked at my photos on the card and using the Ricoh, I was able to change the photos forward.  That is weird.  The Ricoh does something, not what I wanted, but it worked on something.

Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #7 on: 23 / July / 2009, 19:03:40 »
OK   ....  in ALT mode connect the camera to the PC.

'USB' should be displayed top-left.

Is it ?


Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #8 on: 23 / July / 2009, 19:34:32 »
I have checked with an SX10 tester and he confirms that everything works fine.

He is using an ordinary switch, not a Ricoh.

Time for bed in the UK  .........



Offline Joe M

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Re: SX10is and Ricoh CA-1 for remote.
« Reply #9 on: 23 / July / 2009, 20:11:48 »
David, the last message made the ALT work.  What in an ordinary switch?  Should I use one of those.  At least I know that the camera is working.  Have a restful sleep.  Thank you for your help. The remote is still the same.


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