PowerShot S2 IS - Works with adapter but not with batteries. Help requested! - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

PowerShot S2 IS - Works with adapter but not with batteries. Help requested!

  • 3 Replies
Hi guys,

I've been using my camera with CHDK and interval script the last month for taking pictures of flowers opening.
It has been on an adapter (Not original Canon) for 3-4 days and worked fine. The batteries were still in the camera.
After those 4 days, the camera didn't work on the batteries anymore. Did a recharge but that didn't help.
I bought new batteries, charged them, but still nothing. The batteries do work in any other camera.

So my camera still works when it receives the power trough an adapter, but it doesn't work on batteries anymore.
I tried to clean the battery poles and tension them, but that doesn't make any difference.

Does anybody know what I can do? Or does anybody know what might be the reason why my camera doesn't work anymore on batteries?




Offline whim

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Hi, Ruud, welcome to the forum !

AFAIK with most power connectors the batteries will disconnect when external power is plugged in,
the power plug will push a small tab within the socket to make this happen.
If this tab somehow got stuck in it's 'battery-off' position, that would explain your problem.

hope that helps,



Offline Anaglyphic

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Ack. That sux. But it sounds like you're trying everything you can...

Most of these cams have a switch under the battery/memory door, and if said switch is messed up... I doubt that is it, since it powers up under external power, but it's all I can think of...

Interesting. A bit of Googling turned up some really weird S2 issues, including a bizarre shot counter rolled over while on external power, you need to remove the memory and power it up on batteries, let it complain about no card, power it off and reinsert it? Sounds just dumb, but hey, who knows? http://www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=418140

I found a bunch of other S2 power related issues, none of which sound like yours, but it might be a starting point.

Since you can Google as well as anyone else, I'll leave you to it.

Good luck! Let us know what resolves it.
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 we ought to know a little about everything.
-- Blaise Pascal

Thanks for the help guys.

I tried what Anaglyphic came up with, but no luck.
It's so strange, with the adapter everything works smooth. Without it doesnt do a thing. No signals at all.

And searching on google doesn't give me much information :(

Whim, the thing you say. Is there anything that can be done about this? And if this is true, why don't many more people have problems with this?



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