Hey, good job, Waterwings!! This time you've done it, beta 8 boots into CHDK! You posted the beta 8a version while I was writing my test results, I'll test them now, but here's what I got with beta 8.
Camera boots normally with chdk spalsh screen. All the menus are there, but with a constant message on the screen (message from the normal firmware, behind the CHDK menu) of "Memory card error". What I tested so far is:
On playback mode, even though there are pictures on the mem card, the camera doesn't display any of them, just a black screen with the mentioned error message.
If I boot on record mode, the screen starts black with the error message, and the lens won't extend until I half-press the shutter button. Then I have everything you would expect from a camera with chdk (normal menu, alt menu, button, zoom, etc behavior), but with the error message on the top portion of the display, and the inability to take pictures.
So I tried downloading any script that would take pictures to test how writing on the card would be. Whenever I select "Load script from file...", the Script selection window is broken somehow. It's like it's transparent, as in I can see the script options of the previous menu behind the new window's frame. Thus I can't select any file (even when pressing down and select a few times, hoping the file selection was still there, just not visible). Even when renaming the new script to "default.bas" the camera would still just display the default script message.
Then I changed any value on the settings to see if it would stick. I checked the "Clear videoparams on Start" box, but that setting returned to the default (unchecked) value on a new boot. Lastly I tried removing the SD card, unlocking it and putting it back in (without shutting the camera off), but it didn't change anything.