Feature requests - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Feature requests

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Offline a710is

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Feature requests
« on: 26 / November / 2007, 05:53:24 »
In terms of photos it's awesome but when it comes to video I'm wondering if it will be possible to have:
-exposure compensation in video (in high dynamic range situations I hate the overexposed areas for example).
-cable shutter release during video (it only works in pictures now).
-and normal zoom during video - on the a710is on the original zoom video script the zoom would change just a very small step at the time when set_zoom_rel was set to 1. from zoom 1x to  zoom 6x there are 14 steps and I would have to press the zoom 14 times to get from 1x to 6x zoom. I copied that script with various set_zoom_rel values but it's a bit awkward because if I set set_zoom_rel to 7 for example I only have 3 zoom positions (1x, 2.2x and 6x)
-if sometime the sound will be controllable, I wish that the a710is would lose the "sweeping" noise. I have found that simply resampling the sound to 11025 Hz does that (the camera seems to generate 11024).

Congratulations for launching this forum. I can't create a dpreview account because of the ISP email registration so I hope this forum will be useful
Thank you to all CHDK developers.
« Last Edit: 26 / November / 2007, 17:20:56 by a710is »


Offline a710is

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Re: Feature requests
« Reply #1 on: 26 / November / 2007, 08:28:54 »
about cable shutter release during video:

I don't really know programming, I'd have to decifre the ubasic commands from scratch basically and I kind of don't have the time
currently scripts that work only in photo modes are these:

@title Remote button
wait_click 1
is_key k "remote"
if k=1 then shoot
goto "loop"

@title Remote button
while 1
  wait_click 1
  if is_key "remote" then shoot


they probably seem pretty simple to others so if someone could modify them for video it would be great, if not I'd have to do it myself but I don't know when I'll have the time to learn ubasic.
when I press the remote button what happens is that it acts just like in half press (the image exposure changes and the green led blinks but recording doesn't start).
I guess it's about triggering full press instead of half press but I currently don't know how to do it
« Last Edit: 26 / November / 2007, 08:31:32 by a710is »


Offline GrAnd

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Re: Feature requests
« Reply #2 on: 26 / November / 2007, 08:35:41 »
For video try to replace 'shoot' command by this one:
Code: [Select]
click "shoot_full"
CHDK Developer.


Offline a710is

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Re: Feature requests
« Reply #3 on: 26 / November / 2007, 08:46:32 »
also, maybe would it be possible for chdk to access the camera turn off/on. I mean for example to turn the camera on/off for long interval shooting or maybe turn it on/off by remote button and have it shoot let's say video when it is on.
I know that it's a lot to ask but as you've said, we've learned that chdk developers are like fairies, they make seemingly unattainable wishes come true :)


Offline a710is

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Re: Feature requests
« Reply #4 on: 26 / November / 2007, 08:56:15 »
Hi GrAnd
it works! :D
I made a mistake initially copying the new command  :P but now it works. another great feature :D
now this script makes the remote shutter work exactly like the normal full shutter in all modes:

@title Remote button
while 1
  wait_click 1
  if is_key "remote" then click "shoot_full"


(and maybe the other script version works too)

thank you for this and for everything else
« Last Edit: 26 / November / 2007, 09:22:22 by a710is »


Offline zero01101

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Re: Feature requests
« Reply #5 on: 26 / November / 2007, 12:27:57 »
hi everyone.
i've been staring at the dpreview threads for, like, months now. 
this nifty hack has made my little camera interesting again.
anyway, maybe this is less a feature request, but a feasibility query:
since the 15 second shutter limit has been beaten to a pulp, what chance do we have to maybe manually enter in shutter lengths, in ms counts or h:m:s:ms or anything?  65 seconds is freaking amazing, but i'd love to grab a nice 4 hour starry night shot.
anyway, i'm no programmer whatsoever, so i wouldn't know where to begin coding this myself, but i would like to express my hugest gratitude to everyone involved in prolonging the use of my camera.  this hack is outstandingly phenomenal.
thanks to all!

Re: Feature requests
« Reply #6 on: 26 / November / 2007, 13:22:30 »
hi everyone.
i've been staring at the dpreview threads for, like, months now. 
this nifty hack has made my little camera interesting again.
anyway, maybe this is less a feature request, but a feasibility query:
since the 15 second shutter limit has been beaten to a pulp, what chance do we have to maybe manually enter in shutter lengths, in ms counts or h:m:s:ms or anything?  65 seconds is freaking amazing, but i'd love to grab a nice 4 hour starry night shot.
anyway, i'm no programmer whatsoever, so i wouldn't know where to begin coding this myself, but i would like to express my hugest gratitude to everyone involved in prolonging the use of my camera.  this hack is outstandingly phenomenal.
thanks to all!

I think that a 4 hour shot would be unrealistic - simply much too noisy and lots of hot pixels.  The intervalometer approach is much better - take a bunch of shorter exposures and combine them later.   Of course for a four hour shot that would be at lot of images...even at 65 sec. per image!  Plus, you'd have to take dark frames at various intervals.  Speaking of which...I'd like to be able to have the camera take dark frames at selected intervals when running the intervalometer script.  For example, if I'm taking 20 exposures, I'd like to turn "dark frame capture" on and specify an interval for the dark frame, say after every five shots (for the exposure interval).  To be able to do this though, there would have to be a way get the dark frame routine from the firmware and expose a dark frame object in UBasic e.g. set_df.  This would be far more convenient than manually taking dark frames by capping the front of the lens etc.

Re: Feature requests
« Reply #7 on: 14 / January / 2008, 10:54:07 »
I would like to, in particular, second the request for Exposure Compensation in the movie modes.

Actually, I am shocked that it is not there by default (in my A620). My old G3 has this feature and it is amazingly useful (especially in backlit situations - to avoid silhouettes of protagonists of clips).

Relative to many other CHDK features, this one seems like it should be an easy one. Unlocking a function that has probably been switched off by Canon, I would guess.



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