Hold the button in and it goes into Panning IS, release the switch and it goes back into full IS mode.
In theory this should be possible. We need two things
1. test if a button is pressed (we already do this)
2. change camera settings via property case (not sure if IS propcase is known)
Currently it's not possible, though. The main reason is, because we are "out of buttons".
But this request brings another idea: full keyboard remapping.
I imagine it like this:
* We switch between modes (maybe by overriding the mode dial or rec/playback-switch) and change the keyboard map.
* In each map we assign a particular function to each key (with one exception: the Print-button toggles alt-mode or brings up the chdk-menu so we prevent locking ourselfes out of the camera).
* A function is any particular action (defined in a textfile) and may include propcase settings and/or actual keys or sequences of keys to press.
We must keep in mind, though, that this approach would change the behaviour (or "look-and-feel") of the camera's interface completely.
Sounds usable or are my ideas to complicated?