I won't have a chance to work on this anytime soon
And again, why buy a digital camera, line scanner, and barcode scanner when one device can do all three?
The camera should be able to read those in about 50 microseconds. Plus whatever integration time you use, which would normally be much faster than normal framerates.
For the sake of conversation, let's assume the opposite is true - that everything you propose is possible and you could turn these cameras into "a very high resolution webcam" at their best continuous speed, and assuming they'd run more than a week (that's 604,800 seconds and probably WAY outside of their durability testing) - do you think Canon would tolerate it? It would happen once, ever. They would recall all current models, it would cost them millions, but they would have to get them back from the vendors and "fix" them, as giving away ~$4000 machine vision cameras for ~$200 is bad business. And once bitten, no design will be signed off on until this "flaw" is fixed. So the next consumer-level cameras released would be bloated with highly encrypted routines and intentionally crippled hardware, effectively ending this project. Meanwhile, "Canon announces it's new line of cost-effective machine vision cameras..."
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