char *hook_raw_image_addr(){ return (char*) (*(int*)(0x55CC+0x18) ? 0x424F1948 : 0x40F65B18);}
I was wondering, why are there two raw buffers? Does the camera use both, arbitrary?
And are they mapped in the 0-32MB memory as well, or are they some special RAM that is only found at some unstandard location?
And one last question: How exactly do you find them both? I was able to find one, but no idea how to find the other.In the SX10 port, there is this code (which is similar to other ports)Code: [Select]char *hook_raw_image_addr(){ return (char*) (*(int*)(0x55CC+0x18) ? 0x424F1948 : 0x40F65B18);}So why that table at 55cc? And are both pointers somewhere in that table?
char *hook_raw_image_addr(){// return (char*)0x40EBAFA0; // seach on CRAW BUF return (char*) (*(int*)(0x5520 + 0x18)? 0x42CFB780 : 0x40EBAFA0); // similar to a560, searched for first raw address in a table with others, get variable from functions that use table}
Thanks for the reply.I am pretty sure my camera only has 32MB.
ROM:FF810040 MOV R0, #0x33ROM:FF810044 MCR p15, 0, R0,c6,c2ROM:FF810048 MOV R0, #0x40000033ROM:FF81004C MCR p15, 0, R0,c6,c3
Once a raw file is saved, those pixels can be reset to some random values, and if they change again it means we have new data. This method is much more simple, should be pretty reliable, and resilient to changes in the firmware. It is also compatible with all the cameras, if we take into account the raw sizes.
Unless if the camera does part of the post processing using the raw buffer, that is.
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