fe50 - thanks for advice. I have installed CHDK and I am checking all its options just now.
I have tried CHDK bracketing in continuous mode but it does not work exactly as I expected. Let me explain my plan in more details.
I try to get three RAW shots for HDR of night landscapes and I am interested to shoot long exposures something like 5, 25 and 100 seconds. It is good that I could trigger SX10 once for three long shots but camera takes only one shot using the override shutter speed (25.4") and two other shots from regular camera mode settings (for example 3" and 1/5).
In CHDK I set:
Dissable Overrides [Off]
Include AutoIso & Bracketing [ x ]
Bracketing type [ +/- ]
After the first long exposure shot (out of three) camera is "Busy" while processing the image. I suspect that this long time break may disturb bracketing mode. But I am new in this so certainy I am wrong.
BTW I am 1.03A firmware user and CHDK for this version is still in beta. May be this causes the issue.
Any help will be appreciated.