Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras - page 7 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras

  • 115 Replies
Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #60 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:05:42 »
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
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Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #61 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:09:53 »
I reckon I only have 2 options - either a number of 18650 in parallel or Nimh :-( Something does not seem right though...
P = I^2 R
Does it mean that 2 NiMH batteries rated at 2.4V and 2A give an output power of 64 KW ? Impossible..
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #62 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:10:42 »
About 10 A450s and 42 A460s
About 2.4 - 3V I think is the safe range.
Remind me of your setup.

How many A450's and how many A460's ?

What voltage do they each require ?

The commercial device that allows you to daisy-chain USB-triggering will be ideal for your application.

It will be available very soon.

CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #63 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:33:39 »
I do have a couple of A460's.

Measure the volytage required and current drawn by one A460.
You can then calculate power required for one and then 52.

I can measure this later.

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #64 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:37:01 »
It draws 0.5a with 3.2v across it. I think my PSU is the problem as it does not seem to give the rated power. Its no load current is 7-8A. Under load it does not seem to go over 1A and causes everything to shut off..
In a way its a relief as I know now what the problem may be..
I have 3 more discarded PSUs to try out..
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #65 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:44:16 »
It draws 0.5a with 3.2v across it.

So you need 26 amps total.

Join the outputs of multiple power supplies with power diodes to create a single power rail that can then feed the cameras.

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #66 on: 27 / September / 2009, 10:56:04 »
How would I connect the power diodes ?
I assume you mean 2x PSUs
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #67 on: 27 / September / 2009, 11:02:26 »
OK I assume you mean an isolation diode used in series with each power supply. Any recs for the diode ?
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #68 on: 27 / September / 2009, 11:07:00 »
1N5408 and 1N4X series are only rated for 1-3A. Any power diodes rated for higher ?
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: DC Socket size on Canon Powershot models 1.1mm 1.3mm ??
« Reply #69 on: 27 / September / 2009, 11:21:17 »
This is an ambitious project and if necessary you must be prepared to spend a bit more money.

Maybe three 3V3 10 amp supplies, if there is such a thing.

The cathodes of the three power diodes are joined together and looped across 52 Klippon fuse-holders.
The fused sides of the fuselolders power the individual cameras.
We would have  to decide a suitable rating for the fuses.
The fuses prevent a single camera failure bringing-down all the cameras.

i am in the middle of a bit of DIY, search for power diodes, I will check later.
You could also check-out Klippon (or similar) fuse-holders.

You need a nice box, maybe one rated IP65 that is weatherproof.


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