Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras - page 12 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras

  • 115 Replies
Re: Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras
« Reply #110 on: 21 / February / 2011, 08:54:43 »
Its true. That was my first setup. But I had to manually setup a different delay in each camera.
Remember I want a staggered image, not at the same time for each camera.

The problem was that I had to remember position, and add a script for each new camera.

Another problem was that I had no way of changing the delay once it was all setup.

this new method offers me the flexibility of changing the delay from a single device.
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Hi there, building a 40 camera bullet time rig for a skatepark with Canon A495's. 

Plan to take a simultaneous photo every minute or so for around 8 hours a day.  Images will be turned into short videos and uploaded to a website.

Have CHDK installed, remote USB trigger is working great, one HUGE question, how do we get the images off the cameras to the PC?

When the A495 is in shoot mode, you lose access to the SD card from the PC. The rig will be hanging in the air so there is no easy access to the SD cards.

Any tips greatly appreciated!

:-) You have to remove the SD card and read it in.
I faced the same problem, the USB port is connected to the rig.

On your side, you could connect a big USB hub (remember USB can connect 255 devices) and switch the USB signal between the PC and the trigger.

You can use a double or a focus trigger to switch off the shoot mode. Look at the USB remote specs, it support a couple of different signals.

I decided against it as its too much work.
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

As suggested I can tape the power button of the camera, and then I can control when the camera turns on by just switching on and off the external power supply.

My final script to shoot wide open, at 1/200, max iso, 5m focus, and wide end of lens.

@title Remote button
while 1
  wait_click 1
  if is_key "remote" then goto setup_and_shoot

Rem TODO:- turn lcd off for power use click display twice??
click "display"
click "display"

Rem Turn flash off
click "up"
Rem Set Aperture at wide open
set_av 9
Rem set shutter at 1/200 - PAL
set_tv 23
Rem set zoom at widest
set_zoom 0
Rem set ISO at highest - since I'm shooting indoors
set_iso 5
Rem set focus in mm - 5m -infinity for the small sensor?
set_focus 5000
Rem Click picture
Rem At the end shut down - will the USB trigger wake up A450 and A460 ?

CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras
« Reply #114 on: 21 / October / 2014, 22:48:25 »
Since I have not touched the cameras in 3 years, its time to sell them.
I have a 100 cameras approx a combination of A450 and A460. If anyone wants to buy them at 25$ a pop let me know.
CHDK used for a Bullet-time sequence
Welcome to productions

Re: Setup for CHDK matrix bullet-time rig with Powershot A450 and A460 cameras
« Reply #115 on: 24 / January / 2017, 10:20:42 »
I know this is 2 years old, do you still have those cameras for sale?


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