Can CHDK as is, or a script available, allow a single pulse/signal (4.3v for 1/1000th sec) to both half press and fire the shutter over USB?
the devices outputs gives the 4.3v for 1/1000th of a second.
Sounds promising.
SDM seems suitable as Kapping is on the cards, but I'm having trouble with it on my mac - question posted on the Yahoo group).
And I have slaves.
Just my electronics knowledge lets me down
What we need is a simple transistor set/reset flip-flop like this one : would have a button connected from ground to the left transistor base.That transistor collector is connected to USB V+.The positive-going output from your flash trigger would go to the base of an NPN transistor via a 10K resistor.The emitter connected to ground and the collector to the base of the other transistor.Press the button, +5V switched to USB, screen blanks, blue LED lit, capture sequence paused.Do your action and trigger the sensor ... negative pulse on right transistor base causes left transistor to turn on and collector voltage drops.Capture sequence continues and after maybe 20 ms its internal flash fires.Your slave immediately triggers the Vivitar 283's.and there we are If I have time I will construct the circuit later.David
Sounds simple! Appreciate your help.
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