Since I've been in a LUA scripting mood lately, here's one more:
HDR Assist script
Here is a script to assist in setting up exposure stacks to create HDR images. It also allows to run more than one series with the same settings (eg to assist in mirror-ball light probe HDRs where two series are taken from perpendicular angles)
- Select #shots (per series)
- Select #series
- Select start delay (each shot per series taken immediately after one another)
- Pre-focus ON/OFF (pre-focus once per series, focus locked for subsequent shots)
- #shots, #series, pre-focus adjustable on-the-fly
- Script pauses before each HDR series to allow for camera positioning
- Select start shutter speed on-the-fly*
- Select end shutter speed on-the-fly*
- Script progresses from start to end shutter speeds evenly by # shots
- Select/adjust Av on-the-fly*
*To change start Tv, end Tv and Av, camera should be in Manual mode (or Tv mode if not adjusting Av). When prompted close the <alt> menu (script pauses) and adjust the Tv/Av to the desired, then reopen <alt> menu (script should resume where it was) and press any key to resume. Script then reads in the user selected value.
EG, for start/end Tv:
- select adjust start Tv,
- select the bottom (underexposed) limit of the desired series
- resume script
- select adjust end Tv,
- select the top (overexposed) limit of the desired series
- resume script
Written in LUA, so save as a .lua file
Please try it and give feedback on errors or feature change/requests. All comments welcome.
*Script in follow-up message (in 2 parts again due to length, add both parts to .lua file in order)*