wait, there are 10 stops ND filters? where to buy one, guys?
yes, ISO values lower than 100 would be really really cool, but don't work. apparently the sensor (actually the electronics that read out the data from the sensor) can only go from 100 to 3200.
values less than 100 get processed right in the camera, ie if you set ISO to 50 the camera will take the shot with two times the exposure but the shot will be overexposed. the sensor doesn't go below the 100.
ZZOLDI: thank you for writing up everything! yes the issue that required pressing SET and some of the other buttons twice is gone, you can edit your post and delete that part.
the maximum values for review time and auto power-off are user settable in the file user_settings.txt, they are not fixed to 30 s and 60 min.
the menu order can also be set and items that you don't need can be left out.
the last menu point ? is based on a mistake by me, I accidentally left an experimental menu item in the settings when I build the version to upload, you can delete that in your post also, won't be there in the next version
have you got any further requests/suggestions?
what I'm planning: a timer function (like I already posted) but it doesn't work the way I expected it would, so I haven't worked on this in the last days. I still have some ideas to try, I guess I can get it to work sooner or later.
flash exposure bracketing: I tried to do it but it doesn't work.
I tried to include the control dial in the INFO menu, but it doesn't work.
what would be really cool: auto ISO like they have in the code for the 400D. don't know yet if I can do it.