350d boot from cf card - page 42 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

350d boot from cf card

  • 510 Replies
Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #410 on: 14 / September / 2012, 16:38:54 »
@crazyklaus btw the configurable menu code that you added is great :) first thing i did before actually changing any code was to change the orders of my menus around ;)

all the code i've added uses that same technique. i've had to extend how much is copied in init.c quite a bit, to 8400dec so far, but no issues yet :p probably doesn't need to be as big as that anyway. i will post my version of the code at the weekend, just wanted to check a couple of things but haven't had time all week.

nothing too exciting in my changes (tho i do like having presets now) but it's been fun hacking the code a bit...

edit: any idea how to fire the shutter in bulb mode? i was working on some ramping code but so far am having to change the tv in 1/3 stops. i've seen how 400plus does it but the symbols seem very different in that project.
« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2012, 16:51:16 by zestoi »

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #411 on: 15 / September / 2012, 20:16:00 »
download link: http://djism.com/350d/350D-20120916.zip

summary of my updates:

* avcomp and fecomp now stay in sync with any changes u make in the camera via the normal menus
   * also updated the code that displays in the top/left the current avcomp and bracketing to stay in sync

* ported EAEB from cyrustam
   * EAEB string looks as closely to the normal braketting string as poss like "-0.3 x7 +-0.7"
   * fixed 2 second delay, blue led will flash 4 times before it starts
   * LEFT/RIGHT change exposure level
   * MENU/PLAY change how many frames to take

* integrated some code from cyrustam's FEB code so u can select how many frames to take
   * RIGHT/LEFT change exposure level
   * MENU/PLAY change how many frames to take
   * fixed 2 second delay now, blue led will flash 4 times before it starts
   * FEB string looks as closely to the normal braketting string as poss like "-0.3 x7 +-0.7"

* ported the color/saturation/sharpness/colortone code from cyrustam.
  * only changes SET3
  * limited the ranges to what seems to actually work
  * LEFT/RIGHT to change value

* enabled the picture quality settings
   * with RAW selected will always save L images, but i like having the option to change from the INFO menu
   * status display changed to look like "JPEG F L" etc
   * LEFT cycle round Raw+JPEG, Raw, JPEG
   * SET toggle between F and N
   * RIGHT cycle round L, M, S

* added presets go to presets menu and then:
  * LEFT/RIGHT cycle thru presets
  * SET to save current camera settings to preset.
  * unnamed presets will look like "preset 8" if no preset saved yet or "preset 8*" if a preset exists
  * PLAY loads a preset
  * MENU to enter edit mode - blue led will light up
     * press MENU again to cancel
     * LEFT/RIGHT to change letter character to edit
     * UP/DOWN to change the current character
     * SET to save and exit edit mode
  * you need to create a folder called "presets" in the root of your card. presets are named just via a number like "10" with "10.txt" containing the optional name that you can edit in a text editor if needed

* multiple presses of INFO jump to different sections of options (apart from when an option itself needs the INFO button)
  * to change where it jumps to edit these lines in user_settings.txt and recompile:
Code: [Select]
   #define INFOJUMPS_COUNT 4

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #412 on: 16 / September / 2012, 04:28:11 »
I can't find my card reader  :P

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #413 on: 16 / September / 2012, 08:11:02 »
btw I'm just reading in a 5D Mark III review that they have finally added a feature that we have had available in the 350D for quite some time - you can select multiple AF-Points to be active instead of only one or all ;)

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #414 on: 16 / September / 2012, 13:03:52 »
btw I'm just reading in a 5D Mark III review that they have finally added a feature that we have had available in the 350D for quite some time - you can select multiple AF-Points to be active instead of only one or all ;)

cool ;) not a feature i've been able to use on my 350d tho as the AF doesn't work so i've been using some of my manual glass on it. mind u... the AF on my 400d is pretty bad as well.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #415 on: 16 / September / 2012, 14:16:20 »
Manual glass is cool. It's got that certain kind of feel to it.
Just not good for snapshots without extreme pratice (that I don't have). For planned/foreseeable shots it's just fine.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #416 on: 16 / September / 2012, 14:30:42 »
this is true... i've had fun using an old 50mm f1.4 on it tho, just have to bracket the focus a bit  :P i doubt the 350d would be any use at f1.4 or even f2 anyway even if my AF was working. my only dslr with working AF is my pentax K10d. shame no firmware hacks for it, but i guess it has everything i need anyway and does have a scripting language builtin that u can unlock if really needed. i'm tempted by the newer canon's to run ML on but wish the rebels had a pentaprism and an extra control dial.

don't suppose u have any clue how to fire the 350d in bulb mode from code? i'd really like to add some bulb ramping and def don't want/need AF for that. i just can't get it to fire tho... worst case i may still finish my code and have it jump up in 1/3 stop increments or something.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #417 on: 18 / September / 2012, 13:17:17 »
Going on holiday tomorrow I bought two new CF cards for my cam (8GB) and while making them bootable I had an idea for a new function: (Don't know if it's possible or if anybody would use it, it's just an idea)

When formatting a card the autoexec.bin file is lost and the card is made non-bootable -> after formatting the camera will immediately work with this card, but no hack.
When formatting in camera the same thing happens, but the hack stays in the camera RAM until you switch it off, all functionality is available.

If we could write directly to the CF card like you do in the HEX editor, we could possibly write code to make the card bootable again IN CAMERA after IN-CAMERA-formatting and then write a new autoexec.bin to the card from memory. Thus we could have a function in the hack that automatically formats the card while keeping the extended functionality.
This function would NEED to differenciate between FAT16 and FAT32, automatically in the best case.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #418 on: 18 / September / 2012, 14:13:54 »
Here's a quick tutorial on making FAT32 (necessary for 8GB and bigger) Compact-Flash cards bootable using a 350D (Rebel XT) and a Windows PC:

I was formerly using a 4GB card only and made it bootable with CardTricks. Now this doesn't work for FAT32, and doing it "manually" was a new experience for me.
After my first attempt failed for no obvious reason and a few seconds of adrenaline I thought I'd do this.

Be advised that I'm by no means an expert, this is just a writeup of how it worked most elegantly for me after reading the first few pages of this thread (thanks maiohwmai for the info and for the work you did!) to make you feel more secure if you need it. No guarantees.

1. Download HxD http://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD
2. Format your card using the Canon 350D (Rebel XT) (NOT COMPULSORY, seems to work just fine even with pictures and stuff on the card and no new formatting at all)
3. Run HxD as an administrator (right-click in win7)
4. Press the 5. button from the left (tooltip "Open disk") and select your card. Open the correct volume as read/write!

5. ignore warning  ;)
6. The window should look like this:

If you formatted on a different device, the Card contents will look different. THIS WILL STILL WORK!
7. Click in the right area (NOT the area with the numbers unless you know the ASCII table by heart ;) ) and edit as per the following picture:

You don't need to change the "CanonEOS" part, I thought this was a clever way to brag to everybody checking my CF cards' MBR (nobody, i.e.). Apparently different operating systems write their credit to this area, when formatting in win 7 is says "MSDOS 5.0".

write cf card MBR:

at 0x40 "BOOTDISK"

at 0x47 "EOS_DEVELOP"
at 0x5C "BOOTDISK"

8. Click the save button
9. You're done. Remember that bootable cards without a valid AUTOEXEC.BIN will be rejected by the camera.
« Last Edit: 31 / October / 2014, 13:12:35 by crazyklaus »

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #419 on: 18 / September / 2012, 19:55:08 »
cool info ;) nice to have that tutorial here. i always have to dig around for that.

in funclist.txt we do have fopen/fwrite/fseek that should do the trick. assuming their signatures are the normal ones? can't see me bricking my camera if i try them out so will give it a shot. would need to have a new menu option that u scroll left/right to select fat16/fat32 and then write the settings out on pressing SET or something? good idea as while we still have the hack in memory it should work, would need to manually copy the hack back tho *unless* we can cunningly copy the hack from memory back to the card? may also work possibly if what we copy in init.c can basically be copied back to the card? not sure of that tho... just being able to have the card bootable again would be fine tho. i just don't tend to use the format option on my 400plus camera for this reason. delete all images works fine tho (i think?) but i tend to move them on my laptop.


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