First,i need apologize from all of u about my english(i think my english very bad, hope all of you can understand) and the second one sorry if i'm asking a lot of question for this topic.
Could anyone explain step by step to make cf can booting in eos 350d, cause already tried this step many times that "maiohwmai and cyberkat" mention earlier on page 1 and 2, and yet my eos 350d still can't booting, the DP lamp is blue and i cann't turn off so i remove my battery and when i put back my cf card the DP led isn't blink orange and blue, so that my eos 350 cann't booting from CF
For information i'm using 2 CF card(4Gb and 1 Gb), what i'm doing is :
1. both of CF already make bootable by CardTricks144
2. already copied files unzip from 350d_bootflag_update_20090914.zip and autoexec.bin_iso3200_20090927.zip ("Cyberkat" already mention by picture on page 2, must copied all files from zip files directly to cf card).
hopefully i get an answer from master in here. thanks