@au_courant777, can you tell me how you do it?
actually it took me a lot of attempts for this to work. here it goes,
1. First empty your cf card and copy scanled.fir to your cf.
2. Insert CF to camera and run firmware update. Screen will show "CF card containing firmware is required to update" just let it be and wait for 5-6 mins. (make sure that you have full battery)
3. turn off, take battery out and back in.
4. Insert CF card to card reader and do a quick format. (you may go to the "my computer" right click on cf drive click format and tick the quickformat option.
5. Using cardtricks make your cf bootable by running cardtricks, choose CF drive, tick "cf boot sector" and then click "make bootable."
6. extract files in 350d_iso3200_spot ( iso2300 with spot meter) to the cf card.
7. Insert it to the camera. You will be able to know if the camera is booting with cf if the Blue light in DP button is blinking.
There you go. to use the ISO 3200 function just press INFO and you can change ISO levels from there by pressing the arrow keys. for spot metering just press menu and the DP button. Blue led will blink and there would be a sound. Good luck and lemme know if you made it. just try it again if it didnt work the first time.