350d boot from cf card - page 31 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

350d boot from cf card

  • 510 Replies
Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #300 on: 11 / October / 2010, 06:56:00 »
and, I forgot to ask, in what order do you want the menu entries to be?

Ohh, thanks crazyklaus. I tried again to do it but im really stuck, (hahaha i dont know what Im doing) I indeed need the shortcuts orders are  ISO, Spot metering, safety shift, shutter count display and extended AEB and as you suggested the color temp white balance and focus assist beam the 'no flash' option too. Thanks again in advance and very much appreciated crazyklaus.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #301 on: 11 / October / 2010, 15:09:28 »
ok, this is your file:

just take the autoexec.bin out of it.

the menu is in the order 1 iso 2 metering (with spot option) 3 safety shift 4 flash on/off 5 counter 6 colortemp 7 white balance 8 aeb

so if you want the aeb or WB just go the other way round and you're right there.
also note that there are shortcuts for activating spot metering, safety shift, flash and colortemp white balance (look in the thread I explained the shortcuts somewhere) so you don't need to go over the menu eg if you want spot metering

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #302 on: 11 / October / 2010, 15:22:29 »
new version with automatic flash exposure bracketing via INFO menu

it always takes three shots: underexposed first, then normal and overexposed last.
adjust the flash exposure difference with LEFT/RIGHT, adjust the waiting time between the shots with MENU/INFO (minimum is 3 seconds), start the sequence with SET

don't press any keys during the sequence or you will confuse the code ;)

you need to increase the waiting time between the shots manually if you want to take long exposures.
please report if the 3 second waiting time doesn't work for you (I have the suspicion that it won't work with big files (ie RAW+L) and slow cards). longer delays should though.


Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #303 on: 12 / October / 2010, 13:29:06 »
Hi to all!
I'm new here andm as first thingm I want to thank you all for these great hacks.

I tried and succeded to install the "firmware" on my 350D, and everything works fine. Except the timelapse function: when I press "SET" the camera take the first shot, but the second one is never taken. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 shots but not the number I set on the menu, nor the right interval. I tried to set different time and frames, but nothing changed. Anybody succeeded to make the timelapse work?

I use the version of Cyrustam from this http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,4202.msg54880.html#msg54880


Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #304 on: 15 / October / 2010, 21:08:08 »
ok, this is your file:

just take the autoexec.bin out of it.

the menu is in the order 1 iso 2 metering (with spot option) 3 safety shift 4 flash on/off 5 counter 6 colortemp 7 white balance 8 aeb

so if you want the aeb or WB just go the other way round and you're right there.
also note that there are shortcuts for activating spot metering, safety shift, flash and colortemp white balance (look in the thread I explained the shortcuts somewhere) so you don't need to go over the menu eg if you want spot metering
ok, this is your file:

just take the autoexec.bin out of it.

the menu is in the order 1 iso 2 metering (with spot option) 3 safety shift 4 flash on/off 5 counter 6 colortemp 7 white balance 8 aeb

so if you want the aeb or WB just go the other way round and you're right there.
also note that there are shortcuts for activating spot metering, safety shift, flash and colortemp white balance (look in the thread I explained the shortcuts somewhere) so you don't need to go over the menu eg if you want spot metering

Thanks for this. It is awesome....

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #305 on: 18 / October / 2010, 13:04:27 »
A question to whoever wrote the eAEB feature (Cyrustam i assume?)

in your code you use a fixed delay of 5 secs between pictures, am i right to assume your busyflag idea doesnt work?

Code: [Select]

 SleepTask(5000); //delay for system to save picture
                                //while (cameraMode.BusyFlag != 0 )
                                //   SleepTask(1000);

Im asking because while this works fine under pretty much all circumstances,
its stops working as soon as you get Tv values > 5secs (eg. nighttime photography).
Now, I could just set the delay to 10000, but that sucks for normal exposure times.

If it doesnt work, would you mind doing a little sanity check on something i thought about?

Code: [Select]


SendToIntercom(0x53,0,0);        //shoot

SleepTask(500+tv);                 //well,  SleepTask(500+HexToMilsecs(camera.Mode.TvVal)); is probably more elegant

To me this looks like it could provide a delay closer to what is actually needed to account for writing to the card.

The real work is probably in the function translating the hex values to at least somewhat accurate durations for the sleep command so i would appreciate some feedback before i start working on some dumb idea that easier to archive some other way... :)

thanks to anyone who's been working on this so far!!

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #306 on: 18 / October / 2010, 13:34:01 »
hi...im new in the forum and tried CHDK in my 350D and now I am having a great problem.

i just followed the instructions in this link below


but now when I want to use a normal CF CARD, my camera cannot read it anymore and says "ERR CF"

what am i going to do now? Please help me. I want to revert back all the settings in my camera before...please help.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #307 on: 18 / October / 2010, 16:02:35 »

in this post:
the guy who posted the scanled.fir links to a bootflag.fir that's supposed to revert the changes  the 2nd time its run

if that doesnt work, id assume using the official canon firmware update would reset everything.
(try to put the files on the modified cf if a normal one doesn't work)

hope that helps


i worked out how cameraMode.TvVal is mapped to the shutterspeed.
time to watch Tv now, i'll might continue on the other stuff tomorrow

Code: [Select]
98 4000
95 3200
93 2500
90 2000
8d 1600
8b 1250
88 1000
85 800
83 640
80 500
7d 400
7b 320
78 250
75 200
73 160
70 125
6d 100
6b 80
68 60
65 50
63 40
60 30
5d 25
5b 20
58 15
55 13
53 10
50 8
4d 6
4b 5
48 4
45 0''3
43 0''4
40 0''5
3d 0''6
3b 0''8
38 1''
35 1''3
33 1''6
30 2''
2d 2''5
2b 3''2
28 4''
25 5''
23 6''
20 8''
1d 10''
1b 13''
18 15''
15 20''
13 25''
10  30''
c bulb
« Last Edit: 18 / October / 2010, 16:10:31 by annuges »

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #308 on: 18 / October / 2010, 19:52:06 »

my situation is similar to this post

but, i didn't find a solution to his post.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #309 on: 19 / October / 2010, 00:57:22 »
I'm trying to install chdk on my 350d but I'm stuck at:

"2. Insert CF to camera and run firmware update from the bottom choice of the 5th Menu setup screen. Screen will show "CF card containing firmware is required to update". Wait for blue LED to light steady. Wait another 30 seconds."

No blue light ever comes on, I waited for 5 minutes and nothing happened. Am I missing something?


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