350d boot from cf card - page 38 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

350d boot from cf card

  • 510 Replies
« Reply #370 on: 02 / September / 2011, 06:50:14 »
Hi Guys,
Ive got serious problem with my 350D. After installing chdk everything seemed fine for a while (approx. 2 Weeks) and than something happend. Could be kind of wrong setting or so on, anyway all pictures are underexposed now, only with iso 3200 and 1/500s. shuttertime flash not functioning. If i try to change the settings camera seem to work as it schuld but only till i take a picture - the picture is always the same (almoust everything is black, only if you light with a lamp directly in the objective you will see somathing different).

I tried to reinstall chdk - no effect. I tried also to reinstall original 1.0.3 firmware - same [admin: avoid swearing please], another day.

HELP - seems like i doomed my fine 350D.

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #371 on: 09 / September / 2011, 09:06:29 »
Just stumbled across this thread. I'm curious for some new stuff but it seems like all the great devs got new cams. :P

Anyways.. altough I'm a noobie in this stuff I managed to get the busyflag-thing working in the eAEB and eFEB modes. No more fixed 5 sec delay between shots.

Code: (c#) [Select]
while (!cameraMode.BusyFlag)

My focus is on the eAEB mode. Still the cam does not change the exposure times. I keep digging and hope for some support!


Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #372 on: 30 / September / 2011, 07:15:49 »
Would it be possible to get something like Pocketwizard's hypersync  in chdk ?
If i get it, the flash should fire couple of milliseconds before exposure...

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #373 on: 19 / October / 2011, 12:13:24 »
Hi! I've been using my 350d on steriods for some time now and it works great :) Its primary use is for astrophotography and as you all know heat generated during long exposures creates noise which is reduced with dark frames. It works only if dark frames and light frames are of equal length, ISO and should be taken at the SAME SENSOR TEMPERATURE. I know that newer Canon DSLR-s have the abbility to write sensor temperature in exif data but is it somehow possible to get that information on 350d using CHDK? I found out that is has temperature sensor built inside which can be read with service software.
« Last Edit: 19 / October / 2011, 12:15:31 by igorb »

350D HELP Please
« Reply #374 on: 30 / November / 2011, 21:45:42 »
Hi there

ive just heard about CHDK and the trail has led me to join up...

Ive just bought an old Canon 350D for training purposes and would like to install the latest firmware that has been modified (hack?)

Ive read some posts here but they seem confusing.

Is there some simple list of instructions anyone is able to help me with that i could follow to get the results?

Please also tell me about what exactly i will be able to use after the installation of this upgrade (post 1.03)

Much appreciated


Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #375 on: 03 / December / 2011, 12:14:50 »
Thanks for all the great work guys! :)
Decided to give the hack a shot as I am buying a new 60D one of these days anyways.

A few things:
Would it be possible to create a memory for settings and perhaps to reassign some of the modes on the "mode-dial" to these? (Similar to the function found on more expensive DSLR) This is the ONE hack that I would DEFINATELY Donate for :)

Also, it would be great with an updated list of versions and the differences between them ;)

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #376 on: 05 / December / 2011, 11:30:20 »
Great work on that piece of software! Using it on a frequent basis and the features are always useful. Never had any problems with it at all. Great!

I have a few questions/suggestions about possible features:

1) First of all: wouldn't it be more convenient to have a dedicated forum for the 350d-Version (and the other dslr-Versions) of chdk instead of just this one thread which contains every question and problem and release and bug and whatnot? From what I read it is a completely different piece of software than the p&s-CHDK or other Canon-DSLR-models. I think it would be way clearer to discuss and develop and find help with problems, wouldn't it?

2) Is it possible to extend the amount of pictures taken with the AEB feature? So not to take only 3 (under, over, normal), but maybe five or more pictures?

3) A basic, yet important question: Is it possible for CHDK to actually CHANGE functions originally changeable in the menu, etc? Like in M/anual mode, using CHDK to change the exposure time, aperture size, white balance, etc.? If this is possible, the user could create different custom presets like on newer/more expensive cameras (maybe in form of a text file on the memory card) and load them using the chdk menu, thus eliminating the need to manually adjust different, often used settings.

Thanks in advance for the answers and keep up the good work! If I could help with anything, I'd be glad to do so (I have no coding experience with the firmware, but I'm willing to learn and have basic experience with programming)

« Last Edit: 05 / December / 2011, 11:47:54 by blackbasset »

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #377 on: 25 / January / 2012, 21:08:22 »
I searched for "intervalometer" and "canon 350D" to see what it would take to get my older camera to do this and found this forum. WOW!!

Thank you all for the effort you put into this. It took me about an hour or so to weed through all the threads (yes an organized Wiki would be better, but beggars can't be choosers). In the end, I am safely booting to my CF card and was able to create a time lapse film for a home documentary I'm doing.

Very cool, cost nothing... crazyklaus, peabody, MilanC, maiohwmai, and the rest of you contributors rock!



Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #378 on: 16 / February / 2012, 02:59:28 »
yes, you're missing something ;) but it's actually quite simple to get it work, you have to set custom function 1 to a value 1, 2 or 3. with values 0 (standard value) and 4 the code won't recognize the set button.
there is also the option to change the functionality of the SET and JUMP buttons eg if you want to have the custom function set to 4 but of course you will lose the function that was on the jump button.

Hi! How to set custom function? I have to do it on my 350d or I should recompile something?

I've found custom_function.txt but what should I change and where should I place it??
« Last Edit: 16 / February / 2012, 03:15:41 by bockra »

Re: 350d boot from cf card
« Reply #379 on: 16 / February / 2012, 06:15:08 »
yes, you're missing something ;) but it's actually quite simple to get it work, you have to set custom function 1 to a value 1, 2 or 3. with values 0 (standard value) and 4 the code won't recognize the set button.
there is also the option to change the functionality of the SET and JUMP buttons eg if you want to have the custom function set to 4 but of course you will lose the function that was on the jump button.

Hi! How to set custom function? I have to do it on my 350d or I should recompile something?

I've found custom_function.txt but what should I change and where should I place it??
Go to your camera menu, last "tab" (I think it's the last, don't have my cam here to check), there's a submenu called "custom functions". go there and change CFn01 (the one that determines what the SET button does) to a different value.
If you have the button set to do nothing the code will not be able to use it either.


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