Hello, I am using
Long exposure night shot script by cyril42e and getting wonderful results, but dont understand why that once the picture is taken and I try to quit out of ALT mode the camera goes into a busy state with a icon stop hand for almost as long as it took to take the photo. This does not happen with other scripts (that i am aware of)
When I am standing out on a mountian side at midnight 2 miles from the nearest road, and
things are moving around my feet and larger
things bushes, Id rather not be standing around waiting for the camera to do nothing if it aint doing something important.

I am using a SD750 camera
taken during the SoCalif firesthe script i am using is as follows:
rem Author: cyril42e <cyril42e@gmail.com>
rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras
rem Camera: For DIGIC II, replace set/get_prop 207->26, 206->205
rem Description: Auto sets long exposure (> 1") for night shots with tripod, with 2s delay
@title Long exposure night shot
rem prepare the shot : shoot_half and wait ready
press "shoot_half"
get_prop 206 c
until c=1
rem read bv (luminance), sv (iso speed), av (aperture), and ev shift
get_bv96 b
get_sv96 s
get_av96 a
get_prop 207 e
rem set tv (exposure time) : tv = bv + sv - av (- ev) (apex)
get_tv96 t
print "old tv96:",t
print "new tv96:",t
set_tv96_direct t
sleep 100
release "shoot_half"
rem wait additional 2s and shoot with new exposure
sleep 2000
print "shot length",g,"ms"