i tried to make IR images with canon.
the bad news is that canon generally has a real good ir blocking filter

even professional ir pass filters doesn't solve situation, u get black image or something brown
my sony ericsson k800 does ir images... so i could make some puple ir pictures on a sunny day with black film (u need 2-3 layers of it, to get ir only image)

so you need to remove the ir block filter

like here:
Canon A70 IR modcanon350d filter removingbtw... i removed ir filter from my shitty webcam so i made some very very very poor quality pictures with white grass, white trees and purple sky... something like this(not mine, just i didn't keep any of those shitty pictures):
IR by ~Fynal666 on deviantARTif you wan't to make a real good quality ir shots, you need to remove ir block filter, use F11-F22 for sharpness, and shoot raw...