Other cameras have a real Iris, and aperture is a real apertureCameras with an IrisG7a540 a570a610 a620 a630 a640 a650a700 a710 a720s2 s3 s5tx1sx100Cameras without an Irisa450 a460a530 a550 a560sd300(ixus40) sd400(ixus50) sd450(ixus55) sd600(ixus60) sd630(ixus65)sd1000(ixus70) sd1100(ixus80) sd500(ixus700) sd550(ixus750) sd700(ixus800)sd800(ixus850) sd870(ixus860) sd850(ixus950) sd950(ixus960)(info from the CHDK source, include\camera.h)
I know that the CHDK community has known about the ND filter thing for a while, but there is just one... how do we account for the many aperture settings?
so, after you found out stuff everybody already knows, did you manage to put it back together again and it still works? Big Grin
I need some general purpose small sensors.
Image below shows a (genuine) 2MP webcam that I converted to C-mount.
I know you would take away the crappy lens that comes with them
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Started by Jerrycai General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by larsdsm General Discussion and Assistance
Started by muellerdave General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases