12 hr drive into 30mins timelapse and others - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

12 hr drive into 30mins timelapse and others

  • 2 Replies
12 hr drive into 30mins timelapse and others
« on: 26 / September / 2009, 12:13:57 »
not neccecerily entirely original, but ive been doing aa bunch of time lapse videos lately.

First is a 12 hour time lapsed drive compressed into 30 minuite from SW France to SE England in HD on youtube: Part 1:
[noembed][/noembed] Part 2:[noembed][/noembed] Part 3:[noembed][/noembed]. Done with the fast intervalometer script in an A720 dash-mounted with blu-tack. Unfortuantely using the fast intervalometer script does mean the exposure goes off a few times. SD card was emptied every two hours when we switched drivers, powered by an AC adaptor from the cigarette lighter.

Theres a bunch more time lapse video i also did while out in france which are available on the timelapse page of my site. Mostly clouds, sunsets etc. The majority of these were done with the ultra intervalometer script to allow exposure adjustment during sunsets and sunrise, changing weather etc.

Combining the ultra intervalometer with the shutter over-ride allows this time lapse of the stars on the night sky made from 1-minuite exposures. Normal max exposure length is i think 15 or 16 s. In addition to making a timelapse from those, they can be combined to lengthen light trails or aligned in Autopano-pro (or similar) and stacked using a linear dodge (addition) layer blending to reveal more, like the picture below which is a stack of 9 1min exposures pointing toward cygnus, i.e toward the center of the galaxy with the dust clouds rendered visible by the exposure stacking.

Huge huge thanks to all the guys who worked on these scripts, and on cracking the A720, i hope these little bits of 'art' help make it worth-while
« Last Edit: 16 / October / 2009, 18:14:44 by wjh31 »

Re: 12 hr drive into 30mins timelapse and others
« Reply #1 on: 10 / October / 2009, 01:39:41 »
your videos part I and II got busted... btw, great work, I want to do something similar but with a motorcycle.

Re: 12 hr drive into 30mins timelapse and others
« Reply #2 on: 16 / October / 2009, 18:16:07 »
thanks, fixed it now, having uploaded some music free versions, damned sony... think ive fixed the borked links too, forum code fail  :(


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