One day hard disk in my laptop died and it was a good reason to take a break from everything in my life (I burned myself out). Add to this existential nature of problems and, as you can guess, I did nothing since then. Sorry for letting you down.
If someone is willing to continue porting you can find source code attached to this post (based on older svn checkout).
* loader/ seems to be finished.
* platform/kbd.c -- finished except one thing: SX120IS does not have KEY_PRINT so I had to define it in static KeyMap keymap[] table with the same value as KEY_FACE. ALT key should be defined in a more sane way...
platform/lib.c -- there's a bug in vid_bitmap_refresh() -- I did not have time to look at it but this
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,4333.msg42131.html#msg42131 should help you (big thanks to RaduP)
* platform/main.c - TODO
* platform/shooting.c - TODO
* plafromt/wrapper.c - TODO
* boot.c - JogDial_task_my() TODO (it's quite different than in other firmwares)
* capt_seq.c - capt_seq_task() is done, but longer exposure does not work
* lib.c seems to be finished (maybe RAW stuff needs more checking)
* movie_rec.c TODO
* stubs* finished
* include/camera.h - almost everything needs to be fixed
It would be nice if someone could recheck all the files. I based my work mainly on SX10, SX110 and SX200 firmwares.
I was able to make DNG RAW files but with broken colour palette (include/camera.h!). badpixel.lua does not work -- you have to create appropriate file on the SD card on your own. I wasn't able to import CRW files in anything.
I presume that I will come back to porting in one month period or something like that. Unfortunately, I have more important things to finish first :/