Hello all. It seems that several people have gotten this working on the SX120 using their own CHDK builds. Is it possible to submit them to get a functional beta going?
I'm in the Navy and currently deployed. So going to different sites hunting for files is very slow and sometimes just not possible. Loading a page can take minutes and sometimes not load. IE6 anyone? Also getting files off the computers requires us to burn a CD. So best to get it right the first time.
I have the US version of the camera purchased in 2009. I tried before I left to get CHDK working and managed to get a black screen when I did the firmware update option.
I doubt I have the files with me to start over. I really want to get this working. I'm also pressed for time; in the since that I want a camera that can use CHDK before cruise is over. There are some amazing sites out at sea. Anyone seen the Milky Way? Yea, duh. It's most stars in the sky, but I mean no sh*t there it is.... WOW. During times when there is no moon and you have a clear sky, you can look up and see the purple band stretching across the sky. Truly awesome. SO, the motivation is there for me to get this working.
Any help would be welcome. I'm even willing to buy a nicer camera that CHDK is already working on. Any recommendations on that? Just from looking on the list on the CHDK Wiki the SX20 and SX200IS look pretty awesome. The SX20 is powerful and the SX200IS is very compact.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you for your time reading all this and I hope you can help me out. -Sean