I am presuming you can currently use the debug print of...
draw_txt_string(20, 10, osd_buf, conf.osd_color);
If not then get that working and you will have best luck.
What I did was comment everything out of the my_kbd_read_keys function. The only thing I kept was the top portion that debugs the new and old keys (see below). This way you can write down what changes when you press and hold a certain key. It also makes certain you don't crash by writing to memory with incorrect values....
Once you have all your keys mapped you can construct the KEYS_MASKx by ORing all your keys together. You determine which "mask#" by which variable changes when you press a key.
You must also know that kbd_fetch_data() works. If not you need to find the correct memory to inspect for the keyboard info.
As for CAM_ADJUSTABLE_ALT_BUTTON - Note: in the SD780 case I remapped the DISP key to be a PRINT key. You don't define an alternate ALT key unless you have additional keys that you want to be equal to the ALT key. Its a bit confusing. The CAM_ADJ... only defines an alternate ALT not what the ALT key is (its PRINT) but what is an ALT key in addition to the PRINT.
Clearer? If not I'll try again.
#define KEYS_MASK0 (0x0000000F)
#define KEYS_MASK1 (0x00094800)
#define KEYS_MASK2 (0x00007041)
void my_kbd_read_keys()
static char osd_buf[64];
volatile long *mmio2 = (void*)0xE240; //VERIFY_SD780 - Should be set with DEFINE or something.
int isHeldDisp = 0;
kbd_prev_state[0] = kbd_new_state[0];
kbd_prev_state[1] = kbd_new_state[1];
kbd_prev_state[2] = kbd_new_state[2];
sprintf(osd_buf, "1: %8x --> %8x", physw_status[0],kbd_new_state[0]);
draw_txt_string(20, 10, osd_buf, conf.osd_color);
sprintf(osd_buf, "2: %8x --> %8x", physw_status[1],kbd_new_state[1]);
draw_txt_string(20, 11, osd_buf, conf.osd_color);
sprintf(osd_buf, "3: %8x --> %8x", physw_status[2],kbd_new_state[2]);
draw_txt_string(20, 12, osd_buf, conf.osd_color);
static KeyMap keymap[] = {
/* tiny bug: key order matters. see kbd_get_pressed_key()
* for example
//SD780 - Keymap
{ 0, KEY_UP , 0x00000008 },
{ 0, KEY_DOWN , 0x00000004 },
{ 0, KEY_LEFT , 0x00000001 },
{ 0, KEY_RIGHT , 0x00000002 },
{ 1, KEY_SET , 0x00004000 },
{ 1, KEY_PLAY , 0x00080000 },
{ 1, KEY_MENU , 0x00000800 },
{ 1, KEY_POWER , 0x00010000 },
//xxxf --> xxxd when in movie mode by switch
//xxxxxxx4 --> xxxxxxx5 when in lens extended recording mode
{ 2, KEY_SHOOT_FULL , 0x00001001 },
{ 2, KEY_SHOOT_HALF , 0x00000001 },
{ 2, KEY_ZOOM_IN , 0x00004000 },
{ 2, KEY_ZOOM_OUT , 0x00002000 },
{ 2, KEY_PRINT , 0x00000040 }, //doesn't exist
{ 2, KEY_DISPLAY , 0x00000040 }, //swapped for print atm
//We will see if I can make KEY_DISPLAY a long KEY_DISPLAY...
{ 0, 0, 0 }
void kbd_fetch_data(long *dst)
//SD780 0xFF8431EC GetKbdState
volatile long *mmio0 = (void*)0xc0220200;
volatile long *mmio1 = (void*)0xc0220204;
volatile long *mmio2 = (void*)0xc0220208;
dst[0] = *mmio0;
dst[1] = *mmio1;
dst[2] = *mmio2 & 0xffff;