Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras? - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras?

  • 3 Replies
Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras?
« on: 30 / September / 2009, 09:48:22 »
Can someone confirm that when doing zooming in a movie that when returning from digital zoom (reentering optical zoom) that you must stop the zoom lever and then continue. 

IE - When on the SD780 I zoom to 12x (3 optical * 4 digital); when returning to 0 zoom i have to let the lever alone at the boundary of the optical and digital zooms?   If this is not the case on other cameras I have a bug to fix otherwise I don't.  LOL

So if someone with a camera that is not a SD780 could confirm I would be very greatful.

Canon Models - SD300, SD780, & SX210

Re: Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras?
« Reply #1 on: 30 / September / 2009, 11:23:38 »
Curious.  Just tested on my A570:

In movie mode without recording, can zoom from optical to digital without releasing lever (there is a pause in the zooming though) and same with returning from digital to optical.
While recording though, the zoom is continuous from optical to digital , but when returning from digital, the lever must be released to resume zooming out optical.

Conversely, in the photo modes, it's the opposite.  When zooming from optical to digital , the lever must be released and re-engaged, on return, it is continuous.



Offline Atnas

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Re: Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras?
« Reply #2 on: 04 / October / 2009, 17:52:51 »
Everything barberofcivil posted holds true for the SD1000 also.
A710 - SD1000(IXUS70)


Offline RaduP

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Re: Movie bug or is this how it is on all CHDK cameras?
« Reply #3 on: 11 / October / 2009, 04:25:17 »
Sorry, posted in the wrong thread :/
« Last Edit: 11 / October / 2009, 04:30:42 by RaduP »


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