Quick menu - page 2 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Quick menu

  • 13 Replies

Offline RaduP

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Re: Quick menu
« Reply #10 on: 02 / October / 2009, 21:16:34 »
Yes, but as I was saying, it's not exactly what I want, because it still requires more menus than needed (at least one for each option, to enable or disable it).


Offline reyalp

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Re: Quick menu
« Reply #11 on: 02 / October / 2009, 21:36:21 »
Yes, but as I was saying, it's not exactly what I want, because it still requires more menus than needed (at least one for each option, to enable or disable it).
WTH ? Shortcuts don't require any menus to use ?

I again suggest you make an effort to understand the existing system before attempting to improve it. Once you have actually done so, feel free to write an alternative!

Another thing you should keep in mind: On many cameras, the Canon UI already exposes many of the things you mention. On a camera that already has MF, Av and Tv modes, ISO control (wait, there's cameras without ISO control ?!?) having that stuff first in the CHDK menu would just be annoying and confusing.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of room for improvement in the CHDK UI.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline RaduP

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Re: Quick menu
« Reply #12 on: 02 / October / 2009, 22:04:45 »
Ok, sorry, by "menu" I meant menu entry.

Anyway, let me illustrate what I mean:
With the custom menu, except for Override Aperture, we need two menu entries/options. First is for the actual value, the second is for the value factor (which can also serve as "off"). My idea was that in the quick menu, there would be no separate menu entry for the factor value, and the "off" option will be there as well.
So instead of 8 menu entries, there would be only 5. Furthermore, this quick menu thing should disregard if the global overrides are enabled or disabled.

Another thing you should keep in mind: On many cameras, the Canon UI already exposes many of the things you mention.
Yes, I am aware of that, which is why I said that this menu should be optional, for those with cameras that do not support manual settings.

As for the ISO control, it's true that every camera has one, but it is rather limited (can't select an arbitrary ISO).


Offline reyalp

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Re: Quick menu
« Reply #13 on: 02 / October / 2009, 23:01:09 »
Ok, sorry, by "menu" I meant menu entry.
A shortcut doesn't require you to enter the menu at all. That's what makes it a shortcut.

There are already shortcuts for toggle raw, toggle overrides, and on some cameras, use the zoom lever or buttons for MF. That covers about half of what you listed in your first post. There is also Ev compensation.

Cameras that don't have an Av mode in the canon firmware generally don't have an adjustable aperture, so that doesn't need a shortcut. I guess you could have a force ND shortcut for those cameras.

That leaves shutter speed and ISO.

In the user menu, if you set shutter override type to Ev step, you only have to touch factor to turn it on or off (or you can toggle overrides completely) Similarly for Sv, setting factor to 100 should be good enough (although annoying that you can't set to 80). Alternately, you could use 10 and use the zoom level to adjust the increment as needed.

If I was going to re-work this, I'd do it something like the canon +/- button. One button would cycle through a set of options (Av, Tv, MF distance, Sv etc) and the left/right, up/down or jogdial would adjust. Or you can group them (as canon does on cameras with a jogdial) so Av and Tv appear together and you use up/down to adjust one and left/right (or jogdail) to adjust the other.

Finally, the eventual goal should be to allow users to bind any key to do any action they want ;)
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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