Can you split posts starting
here to a new thread titled something like "Exposure override issues on DIGIC 6 cameras"?
Do you see camera log entries like the following when the exposure parameters change back to Canon (re-)calculated values?
00016350: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x00003157:adr:0xfc2a50cb,Para:-64335669
00016360: UI:DSIC:e3,0
00016360: UI:VTMLock
00016390: UI:VTMUnLock
00016750: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x00003157:adr:0xfc2a50cb,Para:-64335669
00016750: UI:DSIC:e3,0
00016750: UI:VTMLock
00016790: UI:VTMUnLock
These (ShootSeqToUI, DSIC) are the results of a callback routine that notifies the Canon UI to update the exposure parameters on the screen. I managed to re-set the callback to a nullsub, but that only affected the Canon UI (the values still got recalculated).
I also know that, at least PROPCASE_TV, is not set via the SetPropertyCase routine. From another log, I see heavy activity in BrtMsrTask when the exposure is recalculated during half press. I can't yet prove that that task is to blame though.
If I lock AE (using the Canon controls), exposure is no longer recalculated during half press and our overrides succeed.