I am attaching a diff file as requested. I made the file using CHDK/Shell. It seems that newly created files are not in the list, so i'm attaching the in-platform folder separately.
As for the list table with working/broken features, the one posted by AirForceOne seems to be accurate, so I will repost it.
The port is still far from complete, but with the scripts working it can be usable at least.
1) Flash - Freezes camera
1) Shooting in RAW, with RAW Average, RAW Sum, and RAW Develop features - WORKS
2) Shutter-priority (Tv) exposure - via shutter value override feature
3) Aperture-priority (Av) exposure - via aperture value override feature
4) Shutter, Aperture, and ISO Overrides
- Aperture override - NOT POSSIBLE FOR THIS MODEL
- Shutter override - DOES NOT WORK
5) Ultra-long shutter speeds - up to 64 seconds, and much longer on some cameras.
6) Ultra-fast shutter speeds - up to 1/10,000" and higher
7) Customizable high-speed continuous (burst) Shutter-based (Tv), aperture-based (Av) and ISO-based exposure bracketing (unlimited shots)
8 ) Focus bracketing (unlimited shots)
9) High-speed Flash Sync at all speeds up to 1/64,000 second (even faster in some cameras)
10) Focus Override - DOES NOT WORK
1) Scripts execution - including exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, intervalometer and more)
- Script execution - WORKS
- Script zoom - DOES NOT WORK
- Script aperture - DOES NOT WORK
2) Motion-detection trigger - automatically fires camera on motion detection. (Fast enough to capture lightning strikes.)
3) USB cable remote shutter release - DOES NOT WORK
Interface improvements:
1) Custom user-editable visible Grids for framing, cropping, and alignment
2) Fully customizable CHDK display, info placement, user-colors, fonts in menus, etc.
3) Zebra mode (a live view of over and under-exposed areas of your picture)
- Using zebra parameters - DOES NOT WORK
4) Battery indicator - WORKS
5) Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel) - WORKS
6) RAW and Video space-remaining gauges with custom low-limit alerts
7) Custom CHDK user menu (for instant recall of up to 10 favorite functions)
Extra Video Features:
1) 99 constant bit-rate and 10 constant-quality video compression levels
2) Elimination of 1 Gig video-size limit
3) Zoom during video function (for cameras without this feature)
Apps and extras:
1) Depth-of-field (DOF)-calculator, Hyperfocal-calculator with instant Hyperfocal and Infinity focus-set, and more
2) File browser
3) Text reader
4) Calendar
5) Some fun tools and games - WORKS
6) Edge Overlay - DOES NOT WORK
7) CHDK Autoboot - DOES NOT WORK