SD1200 IS Porting Thread - page 4 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SD1200 IS Porting Thread

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Offline tillo

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Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #30 on: 02 / February / 2010, 09:53:47 »
wow awdark you are far ahead of were I'm standing i was still trying to figure out the codes from the camera dump and other files from chdk, how you did that on your camera is that chdk for SD790 or is that an edition for this camera only where can i download it if it is. I would like to have something else to figure-out side by side with the camera dump.
edit: i feel dummb by asking this.
« Last Edit: 02 / February / 2010, 10:00:56 by tillo »

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #31 on: 02 / February / 2010, 12:52:46 »
O.O noo! I didn't make or compile anything, I have just been reviewing everything KevB has posted, I have just been trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work in hopes someone in the future will have a bug list or an idea of whats working correctly.

You can download "PS.FI2 CHDK build" at the top of the first post then put it into the root of your SD card, press play>Menu>Firmware Update>"Yes" and CHDK will start.  

Keyboard mapping is press play to enable <alt> then press menu and you should see the CHDK menu.  Func/set is used to navigate into menus and set options, menu goes back.  Shutter runs the script selected.  Then hit the Play button to go back to camera functionality.  You know its in camera when you see a long thin bar across the bottom left.  
The menus don't display properly (like you can see the previous menu on the screen) and the auto focus squares can cause the menu to disappear so I recommend aiming the camera down on your pants or something so it wont cause the screen to randomly refresh like that.

The CHDK folder can be acquired from any build or from the "CHDK-SD1200 Git Repo" linked in the first post.  Its nice to see a menu (buggy but its a menu) histograms and some raw files being produced.
« Last Edit: 02 / February / 2010, 13:32:43 by awdark »


Offline tillo

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Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #32 on: 02 / February / 2010, 20:19:07 »
oh thats ok i think the problem is because i have some files from other CHDK compiles and that is why it is not loading i just took them out and it is already running as you have posted before. that was a nice tip i figured out thanks to you, if it is not working delete everithing and try over.
oh men figuring stuff out is so tiring, i've been like 2 hours taking pictures i've seen the zebra problems and other stuff and weird as it is, i am not frustated at all, i like to see all this weird stuff on my camera it makes me feel like I'm actually doing something for it, however that is not the important deal, I've been trying to override shutter speed and i cant make it work (wich i dont think is actually surpressive maybe you all knew it was not going to happen that easy) the thing is a can take pictures while alt key is not active but allmost allways, nothing cool happens i only know that CHDK seems to be draining my batt away (again not a surprise at least for me), by nothing cool happens i mean pictures are taken the same way they are taken in normal mode (no CHDK) i have'nt used any raws since i still dont know how to save them or to open them on my pc (actually i have not even tryed) i'll try to see more cool stuff on my camera tomorrow so ferewell.
« Last Edit: 02 / February / 2010, 22:17:08 by tillo »

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #33 on: 02 / February / 2010, 22:26:13 »
The calibration of CHDK is off, like the maximum is 4000 but I don't know what the true battery capacity is.  But I think you can set it in the options.

Yeah me too I couldn't get the shutter speed to change, the ND filter doesn't seem to turn on and off, I saw a option for manual focus using zoom controls but that didn't work either :(

If you enable raw, it will save CRW files in your sd card and you can open them in "Raw Therapee" but they are pretty big files like 14mb and you can't exactly use them in photoshop so I don't like that :( I hope DNG gets fixed eventually.


Offline tillo

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Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #34 on: 03 / February / 2010, 13:58:01 »
i've seen some numbers changing in the top left corner of the screen when using -zoom but it makes no difference so i gess the do nothing by now, it is possible that on badpixel-script or zebra-mode the lightsensors are not located at the right adresses, that maybe why none of them is working and is probbably the same for other stuff that is not working (now that I actually run CHDK I now whats going on and finally understand it). for stuff like raw not oppening in photoshop it must (at least thats what i think) be the way the camera itself is saving the files wich i think is something far more complex to me to try and figure out so I'm not even trying, I'll try to get some help to see what can I change on the overriding coding, but since I just started understanding the CHDK it will take me some time to actually know what will I do.
if something else happens I'll just post again.
those Numbers on that corner seem to be part of the edge overlay (wich doesent seem to have any difference yet), however i've got a lot of raws and they can't be oppened with terapee i think it wasn't insatalled as it should doesnt matter anyway.
« Last Edit: 03 / February / 2010, 14:43:38 by tillo »

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #35 on: 03 / February / 2010, 16:53:34 »
Make sure you just have RAW enabled, DNG and buffered write should be disabled.  Also take a shot, wait... and take another if you take them consecutive it will not work right.


Offline tillo

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Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #36 on: 03 / February / 2010, 22:33:23 »
I was checking other threads and someone said that photoshop wasn't going to open a raw file unless it was opened with the asociated JPEG file, I don't know how does that works but they say that basically to open a raw file you need to open the normal picture (somehow, I don't get that thing yet, I dont use photoshop too much it got blasted when installed netframework2.0) together with the raw, allso the raws dont seem to work yet on raw therappe the seem like a blue-ish blur I'll reset all options and I am sure it will work that way.
I played a little with this and just think I have to do lot more research about raws, thay all seem like they have multicolor noise
« Last Edit: 03 / February / 2010, 23:18:12 by tillo »

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #37 on: 10 / February / 2010, 17:23:05 »
Does anyone know if manual control of exposure/ISO/focus/etc. works yet?

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #38 on: 10 / February / 2010, 20:41:47 »
No, those features do not work.

Edit: Time variable mode DOES seem to work, if you go to the LUA scripts you can run it and as far as I can tell I have taken pictures with a very long and very short exposure.  However if you hit up or down for zoom it will crash the camera.

:( USB remote doesn't work.  I found it encouraging how it said "Set or Remote to take picture" so I plugged the USB into my computer and the camera unfortunately went into playback mode.

Oh well, at least I discovered a much better TV mode and raw...somewhat works.

Although I think its impossible, how might one try to approach fixing a specific bug?  For example DNG support, software controlled optical zoom, or making the USB remote functionality work.

Awesome!  LUA is more powerful than I thought!
Universal Tv works fine (don't use zoom)
Basic Time Lapse,4722.0.html
Motion Detection,2649.0.html (slow even with "shoot_half" added but not sure if I put it in right spot)

Is there a LUA script which just prints the button or event? I tried to modify the "input_1.lua" file and I was able to get it to print random values like left, right, set, etc but what I am hoping to see is something like "USB_PWR" or something when I connect the USB power. USB remote doesn't work but if we can force it to take a picture when it gets power then... that's good enough right?
Never mind, I don't think we have control over the USB yet because I modified the Universal TV script where I changed the "if key == "SET" then" to have "if get_usb_power then" and it just switches the camera into display mode instead.  So its probably not implemented yet.
« Last Edit: 12 / February / 2010, 17:27:54 by awdark »

Re: SD1200 IS Porting Thread
« Reply #39 on: 12 / February / 2010, 20:27:20 »
So LUA works to some extent? Interesting.

Two questions, since you seem to have done a lot of poking around:

1) How does RAW work? I have managed to snap some RAW shots, which leave me with a .JPG and a .CRW, which my computer (Linux) recognizes as a Canon RAW image. I can then use dng4ps2 (the windows version, under WINE) to get a DNG, using directions I think I got from this thread. Photoshop CS4 will not touch the the DNG file however, but F-Spot (Linux photo app, think Picasa) will display it. I think most of my other Linux apps are getting confused and thinking that it's a TIFF image.

Ideally I'd like to be able to have a good DNG, or, failing that, get something that DCRAW will read.

2) I'm very new to things like RAW and manual exposure on digital cameras. I took a photography class in high school and then again in college, and while the highschool class was a traditional 35mm B&W class that I used an SLR for, the college class was digital, but the thing was back then I had an A70 that only died on me a couple of years ago: and I was digicam-less until earlier this year when I got this one as a gift. The A70 allowed for some manual control that the SD1200IS apparently does not. If I want to do things roughly analogous to changing exposure and ISO in the film SLR world, what do I need out of CHDK to do that? I'm thinking like being able to take better night shots. Can I just capture a RAW and worry about it later? Or are there some features of CHDK that might help me, and furthermore, do those features currently work for the SD1200IS?

Sorry, I know this a lot and I sound n00bish, but I hope you can help.


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