My S2IS got 3 buttons, but the help tells about 2 buttons. I find this frustrating.
My camera has no Func Set button, but a Func button on its own and a Set button on its own.
The Func button got a garbage symbol as well in blue color, and the Set button got a square with 5 squares aligned as a cross.
Then comes the third button (DISP.) which is correctly and the same on both my S2 IS camera as well as in the help file.
I have tried all kind of combinations of these 3 buttons. For example: Func+Set+Disp, Func+Disp, Set+Disp, and I have tried to click the buttons in different order of what button should be the first pressed button before "you" add the additional button to hold in (pressing both/all three buttons at the same time).
I have carefully named the file ver.req and/or vers.req
Nothing pops up on my screen with any useful info on firmware version. What to do? Sigh