A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8 - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8

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A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« on: 05 / October / 2009, 01:37:54 »
Yep, another newbie here. I found out about CHDK when I ran across the page of the kids that sent their a470 to "near-space" with a balloon. - Project Icarus. As an ex-photographer (film) I really want to try this out.

This script stuff has me throughly confused. And frankly I get a little skiddish when I see warnings that say 'all data will be erased'. After 3 days and an enough cigarettes to give a small nation terminal cancer, I must ask for help.
I tried to follow the instructions on the FAQ/MAC
I have my version- GM1.01B
The card 2gig (new, along with the camera) is formatted FAT16
Step 4 Run Script...HUH? How do you run script?

I read the card tricks thread-
and am at the same point as the original poster. Copied the files to the SD card and put it in the camera (card locked) but I don't get the function "Firmware Update"in the menu.

I looked at the card in disk utilites and it says 'not bootable" so I followed the instructions in the "bootable SD card" thread.--
*  Load your SD card in a card reader (unless your camera appears as a disk drive when you connect it)
    * Open Disk Utility and highlight the volume. Click "Info" and look for "Disk Identifier".
    * close the Info window
    * With the volume highlighted (not the "drive"), click "Unmount".
    * From a Terminal command line, run a command like this:
After I clicked "unmount" Nothing happened except the SD card icon disappeared from the desktop as if I ejected it.
Terminal command line... What the heck is that?

If I can put my hands on it I can fix or build just about anything but this electronic/computer stuff really baffles me.

Thanks in advance.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Offline reyalp

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Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #1 on: 05 / October / 2009, 02:20:56 »
and am at the same point as the original poster. Copied the files to the SD card and put it in the camera (card locked) but I don't get the function "Firmware Update"in the menu.
Since you are using a Mac, you need to read http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ/Mac#Still_Having_Trouble.3F
This is almost certainly why the firm update option did not appear.

Once you get "firm update" working, you can make the card bootable within CHDK, in the miscellaneous menu. Since your card is only 2GB and formatted fat16 already, you don't need to mess with partitioning.

I looked at the card in disk utilites and it says 'not bootable"
The bootable flag the camera uses is not one that disk utilities will recognize.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline an0n

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Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #2 on: 05 / October / 2009, 03:14:35 »

Terminal command line... What the heck is that?

The Terminal is a utility application found in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder, or use "Go" in
the Finder menu bar at the top of the screen. You type commands as "Command Lines" in the Terminal,
an example : dd if=BootSector.bin of=/dev/disk2s1 bs=512 count=1

I'm definitely not a Mac expert, but I hope that helps.

edit: this post might help as well, http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,3995.msg40999.html#msg40999
« Last Edit: 05 / October / 2009, 03:18:41 by an0n »

Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #3 on: 05 / October / 2009, 22:09:18 »
A thousand thanks reyalp. Went to the "still having trouble" section. I had read it before but here was the apparent problem. I have been using the "unarchiver" to expand. This time I figured I would download and try untar and it worked. Must be something about my version of unarchiver.

Now what I do is turn on the camera in playback mode, scroll down to firm update and run it. Without turning off the camera I switch to manual mode.

Good lord those menu letters are small. Time to break out the reading glasses and magnifying glass.

Got a quick tip on how to set it up to take time lapse? Oh, and also Motion detection.

Thanks again

an0n- Thanks for the info. As soon as I get a little more versed with this CHDK I'm going to look into that and see if I can teach myself something.


Offline reyalp

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Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #4 on: 05 / October / 2009, 22:23:35 »
Now what I do is turn on the camera in playback mode, scroll down to firm update and run it. Without turning off the camera I switch to manual mode.
If you want CHDK to start automatically, you can select "make card bootable" in the miscellaneous menu. The card must be locked for automatic starting to function. Note that locking the card will not affect your ability to save files. Unlocking the card lets you temporarily disable CHDK without removing it.
Got a quick tip on how to set it up to take time lapse? Oh, and also Motion detection.
Both of these require scripts. I'd suggest perusing the scripting forum and wiki pages. http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,471.0.html is a good script for motion detection
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #5 on: 06 / October / 2009, 03:43:05 »
Thanks again reyalp.
I spent the evening getting familiar with CDHK in the camera and going through this site.
Man, there is a hell of a lot of information here. Is there a place on the site that has the
step by step instructions for adding a script (time-lapse) to the card? I may have already
read it and didn't realized it. Do scripts have to be written for a specific model or will one
script work for many models?


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Re: A470 - Newbie confused and needs help -MAC Ver.10.5.8
« Reply #6 on: 06 / October / 2009, 07:16:26 »
Is there a place on the site that has the step by step instructions for adding a script (time-lapse) to the card?
A CHDK script is a simple text file.
Just copy it to the \CHDK\SCRIPTS folder on your SD card, then you'll be able to load & start all scripts from this folder directly from within the CHDK Script menu.

Here you'll find some basic informations about scripts: CHDK wikia: uBasic and also CHDK wikia: Lua scripting.
For time-lapse you can try these scripts: yet another accurate intervalometer or Minimalistic Intervalometer.

Do scripts have to be written for a specific model or will one script work for many models ?
Due to different hardware and different features, scripts may use script commands that are not available on all cameras.
There are lots of "universal" scripts out there which run on most cameras; normally it's also simple to "adapt" a specific script to another camera.

If you get into trouble with a script, you can post it here in the forum & you'll get help...


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