Can I dump this firmware for yall? If so, how difficult/long may it take to bring CHDK over? Normally I would not ask such a question as I understand that no one pays yall for doing this great work, but I purchased this camera thinking it would have 1.0.1c on it and for a business project that has an approaching deadline. If I can't make use of this camera I will have to purchase a different camera.
Thanks for letting me know waterwingz. I will get started on it this weekend then. (If anyone is also interested and has more experience then please let me know.) I will be posting my progess as I go along if I have issues and can't find the documentation to help me get through it. There is so much documentation though I feel like that is likely not going to be much of an issue .Also in your opinion if I follow the documentation in these forums and use your CHDK-PT program, do think this is something that I can do in a weekend? I've done some basic programming in C++, Java, and mostly PHP.
Although when I am in the CHDK menu while in the P Mode it appears like the menu sometimes disappears randomly. The menu works much better while in playback mode from my experience. Not sure if this is an issue with 1.0.1c beta as well or just my port to 1.0.1d.
Also the estimation on how long this would take was pretty close, I'd say it took me about 8 hours and even 10 if you include the time I wasted on figuring out ps.fi2.. and then the issues I had with using a SDHC card to boot the dang thing.. I have a lot of 2gb SD cards as well though for testing & older cameras. Although that addresses file provided by waterwingz did save me some time as well.
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