First time I even hear of Magic Lantern.
Fortunately the PTP part wasn't much work, but it would be nice if we can avoid duplication in the future. As I've said before, there is a lot of knowledge floating around these project, but most of it is inaccessible.
Since I'm working solely on the 5D Mark II and 7D cameras and focusing almost entirely on the cinematography features, there isn't a whole lot of overlap with the CHDK dev team. I hope there will be more cross-pollination in the future, however.
By the way, I just tried to find your functions (for comparison) but had no luck; can you give a me pointer?
ptp.h. It isn't near as complete as your implementation; I plan to hack your hacked ptpcam program to work for me, as well work on a AVR PTP library so that the Impero can talk to the 5D.
I'm not sure if it's clear, but my "LUA script execution" means you can already execute arbitrary commands (e.g. "lua shoot();" with "ptpcam --chdk"). What I haven't looked at is something to preserve context between executions. Sending of output should be fairly simple (e.g. with a simple hook).
Neat. I hadn't realized that. ML doesn't have Lua yet, although we do have a simple embedded Python. I've been meaning to port the Lua library patches so that we can put Lua into it.
And as an outside goal, I wanted to add a gdb interface so that extensions could be more easily debugged.
Do you think this is possible? It seems to me that this requires support from the OS to provide tracing and breakpoints and what not. Has anything like this been found?
I see things that look like a debugger interface in the command shell inside DryOS. As you had found, there are equivalents to ps, top, and a few other programs. We also have control of the scheduler, so we might be able to do some simple profiling.