I try now with ptpcam(with the lua fix) this line
C:\Users\pc>e:\chdk\ptpcam --chdk="lua set_record(1)"
Camera do nothing.
I also try now this C Code and Camera do nothing
//_set_control_event(0x902); // 0x10A6 DisconnectUSBCable
when i try out this C code and set_control_event is execute, camera crash in same way as with _pb2rec.
it move out lens and then crash.
_set_control_event(0x902); // 0x10A6 DisconnectUSBCable
maybe Camera have diffrent values for diconnect USB cable ?
But what does levent_ mean ?
is this the code lua execute.
What C code do the basic script execute ?
It seems diffrent because the basic script switch when call shoot from play mode to record mode and shoot correct when USB cable is plug in.LUA do this not.
C:\Users\pc>e:\chdk\ptpcam --chdk="lua shoot()"
do nothing
I find out, when i have chdk run and USB cable is in, after 2-3 minutes do no action Camera switch off complete.
Is this ok, or is maybe a function call to display off wrong ?
I have now do a lua script, but this bring eof expected near end on last line.but demo scripts in chdk scripts folder work. but maybe is something wrong with the Camera port, i have upload the script here
http://www.zshare.net/download/854432334e4ec216/source is this, i want test if lua switch with USB cable plug in with that script same as basic script in record mode.
I ghave do this script on windowseditor which add 0xd and 0xa
@title interval
until false