>Correct, enabling the remote will completely disable all USB protocol functionality. "USB" remote is not a >USB protocol connection, it's just detecting whether there is power on the USB port. To make this useful, it >hides the signal from the canon formware (which in turn hides it from CHDK PTP).
does this mean, i must activate remote on in chdk menu, to get ptpcam correct working ?
All test i do i have done with default chdk setting(no remote on)
when i enable "remote on" then when i plug in the USB cable, camera switch to record mode and do a shoot half.It do not crash.
But then USB do not work.I guess this is ok, because code in keyboard clear always USB flag when remote is on.
see here the original code
if (conf.remote_enable) {
physw_status[2] = physw_status[2] & ~(SD_READONLY_FLAG | USB_MASK); // override USB and SD-Card Readonly Bits
the romlog of the crash when remote on is disable and switch from ptpcam in play mode to record mode is this
Edit: i shorten romlog.
ASSERT!! KerQueue.c Line 86
Occured Time 2011:01:30 10:01:55
Task ID: 16711713
Task name: CtrlSrv