I've added PTP stuff to my sd4000 port based on current trunk.
add_ptp_handler and reboot_fw_update sigfinder addresses are correct.
libusb-win32 v1.2.2.0 driver for the camera on Windows 7 with inf-wizard.exe and used reyalp compiled
ptpcam version.
Connection is fine. Most commands work (like memory, reboot)
looks like shutdown-hard does crash camera.
shutdown-soft does not work.
mode 1 does not work.
Is the patched ptpcam source available somewhere (didn't find anything besides original ptpcam source) ?
ptpcam execute some commands (like mode) as lua script. I want to look whats ptpcam actually does (or should do) to debug whats wrong (setrec and setmode scripts do work).
SD4000NHSTUB(get_ptp_handler, 0xFFA4EC7C)
//NHSTUB(add_ptp_handler, 0xFFA4EABC) // sigfinder address ok
NHSTUB(remove_ptp_handler, 0xFFA4EBB0)
NHSTUB(PB2Rec, 0xFF898B40) // search String "AC:PB2Rec"
NHSTUB(Rec2PB, 0xFF897590) // search String "AC:Rec2PB"
NHSTUB(set_control_event, 0xFF8955C4) // via eventproc_export_IsControlEventActive (last call), levent_table contains control event id's (Logical Event Table)
//NHSTUB(reboot_fw_update, 0xffa9b228) // sigfinder address ok