Well, I know you don't go to sub_FF810354_my which is why I told you. If you don't complete the whole code, you are going to get stuck into the infinite boot loop. You don't really have to add the spy task, you can comment out the code adding it.
Well, now I probably close to the solution! Please read my following questions carfully, it will be hard to me to ask correctly..
The porting guide says:
The adopted reimplementations of the first boot functions are located in this file. In essence you can just take the code from the firmware and copy the changes as made in your reference port. Once you have got the boot code ready, the camera should boot normally again.
This means, as i understand, enought to take the first asm function code until the first "B loc_FF810354", not taking the remaining functions. Am i right? Or need to take the whole code?
A.: What does "B loc_FF810354" do? (at the end of the first taken boot code from firmware)
IMO it jumps to the camera firmware code, therefore, the camera should boot normally again. Am i right?
B.: What do "B loc_FF810354_my" do?
IMO it jumps to the additional taken code, which allows us to add our hack tasks. Am i right?
C.: What does your camera do, when use try the code "B loc_FF810354" intead of "B loc_FF810354_my"?
In that post, what I meant was that I got it to work via the firmware update, as in, the camera reboots.
C/2.: I understand, that your camera reboots, but detailed how? Did you see the normal menu, and the buttons worked normally? (as i expected)
I hope i missunderstood the guide, and the answer for question "A", is that i am not right.