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the sx20 porting thread

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Offline afrikaa

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #650 on: 01 / June / 2010, 13:51:19 »
The difference is significant, especially in the rose.
I look forward to CHDK 1.02C
Sx20 - 1.02C


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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #651 on: 01 / June / 2010, 14:37:49 »
Some things raw can give you:
1) More dynamic range. Only a benefit if your scene is actually high contrast, or your exposure is bad. With P&S sensors, the extra dynamic range is fairly limited.
2) After the fact control of noise reduction. You can potentially use better or more CPU intensive algorithms.
3) After the fact control of white balance.
4) Control of the rendering to a format suitable for display.
5) Last but not least, chromatic aberration correction. ("Blue" twigs against the sky, haven't you seen that?) It is simply impossible to correct after Canon's aggressive sharpening/denoising.

Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #652 on: 02 / June / 2010, 23:20:39 »

I'm not quite clear what your question is, but I'll try to cover what I think you wanted to know.

"Contrary to point 21, I found that I had to install the CHDK folder to the larger partition." Actually, that is the partition that I recommended. If you copied the CHDK folder during step 21, then you actually copied it to the larger partition and that is the one I use & recommend.

"The camera only looked there for scripts, grids, etc." From what I understand of how the camera is operating, I suspect that it will find what it needs in either partition. The only exception that I'm aware of is the DISKBOOT.BIN file and that needs to be in the bootable partition (in our case the smaller partition).

"Did I do something wrong?" From what I read, you put the CHDK folder on the larger partition, so you did what I'd recommend. Now if your CHDK isn't working, then I'd check one of the following:
 - Make sure your SD card is locked to use it in the camera
 - Be sure that the smaller, bootable partition is the active partition. You can check this with the SDM Installer. When you put the card in your reader the first field of SDM Installer should state that it's (FAT12) (Bootable card!!!). That's what you want it to be for CHDK to autoboot on start up.

If I didn't answer what you were asking about, please let me know. I'll be out of town until Sunday evening, so if you need help before then just leave a reply and hopefully someone can answer your question.

My mistake, Skywalker.  I must have misread your instructions the first time.  All is as it should be.

Thanks again.


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #653 on: 03 / June / 2010, 00:08:41 »
I decided to do a comparison of the photo formats. I ran two different scenarios, one on a sunny day and one on an overcast day. The DNG results were the best in both cases. All of the JPGs were so close it really would have been up to the photographer which would be the best format to use. Here's some of my notes of what I found during the comparison:

 - Two sets of photos were taken (cloudy day & sunny day), using a tripod, Image Stabilization was set to OFF, and the 2 second delay timer was used. I compared the size of DNGs to the those obtained using the parameters of the "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" (Superfine, Fine, Normal, Off):

                              sunny day   % of DNG       overcast day      % of DNG
                              -------------    -----------     -----------------      -----------
          DNG              18,255 KB                         18,255 KB
          Superfine        5,522 KB     30%               4,938 KB           27%
          Fine                 3,209 KB     18%               2,836 KB           16%
          Normal            1,373 KB       8%                1,134 KB             6%
          Off                  3,206 KB     18%                2,833 KB           16%

 - This was only two sets of photos so I'm not certain if the size variances will be typical.

 - DNG is the only RAW format I work with, so this is the only RAW format I used in this sequence. Although there is less EXIF info in the DNGs than a typical JPG, it is adequate and the DNG can be processed directly in the applications I routinely use (Photoshop CS3, ACDSee v3 and Picasa v3).

 - "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" EXIF info can be verified using ExifPro. Unfortunately the CHDK DNG is not yet fully supported - still appears pixilated, however the EXIF info is present and readable. The JPG EXIF "Quality Override" info does not appear in my copies of ACDSee v3, Picasa v3 or Photoshop CS3. So far this is the only app I have tried that was capable of verifiing this particular EXIF info.

 - I wasn't able to find documentation on the "Quality Override" parameters - perhaps someone can point me to a link with the documentation? However, I checked the parameters using ExifPro and found the following results for the "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" parameters:

     Superfine - Exif info indicates Superfine   (5,522 KB)
     Fine          - Exif info indicates Fine           (3,209 KB)
     Normal     - Exif info indicates Normal       (1,373 KB)
     Off           - Exif info indicates Fine           (3,206 KB)        <--- interesting

     From this I would presume if you want to use the "native" Canon format you would set the "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" parameter to "Normal"  (see next posting for clarification)

Update: I had mentioned that ExifPro was the only app I had found recently that could read the Quality Exif info but that it could not display the DNG files yet. After checking IrfanView (freeware) again, I realized that IrfanView can read the Quality Exif info AND display the CHDK DNG files. (
« Last Edit: 03 / June / 2010, 12:26:47 by SkyWalker9 »


Offline reyalp

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #654 on: 03 / June / 2010, 01:04:12 »
     From this I would presume if you want to use the "native" Canon format you would set the "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" parameter to "Normal"
No, "off" means "don't override". "Normal" is the name of the lower quality canon options (I'm sure marketing wouldn't let them name it "low quality" ;)). It appears your canon setting is set to "fine", so off and fine have the same size.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #655 on: 03 / June / 2010, 09:52:20 »
    From this I would presume if you want to use the "native" Canon format you would set the "Extra Photo Operations" / "Quality Override" parameter to "Normal"
No, "off" means "don't override". "Normal" is the name of the lower quality canon options (I'm sure marketing wouldn't let them name it "low quality" ;)). It appears your canon setting is set to "fine", so off and fine have the same size.

I wasn't able to check the quality setting at the time (forgot my non-CHDK SD card), but this morning I verified exactly what you mentioned. ExifPro verfied the quality as Fine on my non-CHDK SD card and the size comparisons were within 3 KB of what the "Off" setting was with the CHDK SD card. Thanks for the clarification!
« Last Edit: 03 / June / 2010, 12:19:25 by SkyWalker9 »


Offline afrikaa

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #656 on: 04 / June / 2010, 15:55:54 »
someone is working on firmware 1.02C?
Sx20 - 1.02C

Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #657 on: 04 / June / 2010, 16:11:34 »
I've got a problem with the SX20 shutter speed over ride. When i try going part 1/6400 the camera shuts down when i try to take a pic. anybody know what the problem is??????


Offline fe50

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Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #658 on: 04 / June / 2010, 17:42:45 »
FYI - the SX20 102B port is in the official CHDK trunk now:

Pls. check the commited code, if it's ok we can enable the Autobuild Server for this port...

To compile a full package (like the packages delivered by the Autobuild Server), simply use the CHDKShell and let the shell download the latest trunk; then edit the makefile - delete the leading # from the lines with "SX20" & save the makefile. Restart the CHDKShell, now the SX20 1.02b will be listed and can be compiled like all the other firmwares...

Re: the sx20 porting thread
« Reply #659 on: 05 / June / 2010, 09:19:16 »
@fe50, thanks for that. Now i can concentrate on the other builds.


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