Why bother when you can buy a Ricoh CA-1 clone cheaply ?
See, for example, Ebay item 250505171961.
I have been told by someone who has that switch that it does not work even without SDM or CHDK running.
I do not know how correct that information is.
Thanks for the replies.
re: SDM, SPM, etc... I have been out of the loop for a couple of years- amazing how quickly things change, from requiring a $1000 rig with a Lanc Shepherd and a pair of high-end Sonys, to a couple of point-and-shoot Canons with a switch from Radio Shack!
Regarding the Ricoh clone: if there's any chance that it's not going to work, I don't see the point of buying one on E-Bay. I found plans online for modifying an Amiga joystick (I guess any joystick would work), as well as a simple push-button switch (one press to focus, second press, hold-and-release to shoot. Any problems with that?